Request for approval for CR 7080289 - AWTKeystroke class registers a subclass factory during deserialization

Denis S. Fokin denis.fokin at
Thu Oct 13 08:52:12 PDT 2011

Good day.

I hereby request an approval to backport a fix for CR 7080289.

The bug on

The changeset in JDK8:

The fix has been reviewed by Artem Ananiev and approved by the Release Team.

The fix should go into

This is a problem that is uncovered by a fix for CR 7019773 and looks 
like a regression. Some application could stop working as they worked 
before because of the issue. The fix could be applied irrespectively of 
the fix for CR 7019773. AWT and Swing JTreg and JCK tests have been 
executed. No additional failures were found.

Thank you,

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