Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7075105 - WIN: Provide a way to format HTML on drop

Denis S. Fokin denis.fokin at
Thu Oct 13 10:43:26 PDT 2011

Good day.

I hereby request approval a fix for CR 7075105.

A link to the bug

The fix has been reviewed by Alexey Utkin (uta) and the Release Team.

A webrev for the ix is at

Rationale for why the fix should be approved: Because of a fix for 
"6513578 WIN32 HTML Clipboard support enhancement" some existing 
programs stop working. The functionality should be enabled by degrees to 
give an opportunity to switch existing applications to the better 
approach. This fix revert the behavior to a behavior of the former 
releases. JTregtest have been executed. No new failures were found.

The fix should go into

Thank you,

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