Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7068451 - Regression: javac compiles fixed sources against previous, not current, version of generated sources

Edvard Wendelin edvard.wendelin at
Tue Oct 18 13:57:20 PDT 2011



On 17 okt 2011, at 08.53, Jim Holmlund wrote:

> The bug:
> The changeset is the same as in JDK 8:
> The target repo:
> This is a regression from JDK 6 that can occur when an annotation  
> processor modifies a .java file that is to be used in a compilation.
> The bug is that the previous version of the file is used instead of  
> the new version.
> This creates unfathomable problems for users of the tools that use  
> the javac annotation processing API, such as NetBeans, and I suppose  
> other IDEs.
> Risks:
> 	No special risks, other than the usual risks associated with a  
> change.
> 	Given the nature of the change and the amount of testing shown below,
>        the risk seems minimal.
> Testing:
> - langtools regression tests pass as expected
> - JCK-Compiler-7 tests pass as expected
> - This change was pushed to jdk8/tl/langtools on Sept 12 - it is in  
> JDK8 B07.
>  It has been thru many nightly tests since then, and three promotion  
> testings.
> - Netbeans has verified that this fix in JDK 8 fixes their problem.
> Author:  Jon Gibbons
> Reviewed by:  Maurizio Cimadamore , Jim Holmlund

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