Request for approval for CR 7079012 - test/java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails with SocketException getting mac address

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Thu Oct 27 03:44:27 PDT 2011


CR 7079012 - test/java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails 
with SocketException getting mac address

Identical *source* changes to JDK8

The changeset for JDK8 contains changes to 2 files. The source file, 
NetworkInterface.c, contains the actual changes to resolve the problem. 
The changes to ProblemList.txt simply removed from 
the problem list, so it would be run during testing (and resolved some 
formatting issues). The changes to ProblemList.txt are not applicable to 
7u4 since the test is not on the problem list.

So, the proposed changes are to NetworkInterface.c, and are identical to 
JDK8. This makes both JDK8 and JDK7u4 identical with respect to this CR.


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