Request for approval for CR 7087956 - add to embedded JRE to enable additional troubleshooting support

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Thu Sep 8 19:13:29 PDT 2011

I'm requesting special approval to push this change which has not yet gone 
into JDK8. This is a change that only affects the build of our internal 
SE-Embedded product, but the files for which live in the OpenJDK repository.

I've made the CR public as it is trivial but it won't yet appear at the link 

Public webrev:

This has been reviewed internally by Dan Daugherty and myself (Carlos 
Lucasius is the actual author but can't do the pushes himself for a number 
of reasons). The commit will show Dan and Carlos as reviewers.

The change itself is trivial, we simply put back into the SE-Embedded JRE 
the attach library that was removed in an earlier stage of the build process.

David Holmes
Java SE Embedded Group

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