Interaction with the CCC Process - Draft
Dalibor Topic
dalibor.topic at
Thu Sep 15 06:06:23 PDT 2011
On 9/1/11 3:30 AM, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> Hi,
> here's a draft for discussion how the JDK 7 Updates Project should interact
> with the existing CCC process, in order to provide additional transparency around
> potential upcoming interface changes future releases.
> The draft is open for comments until Wednesday September 7th.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone - I'll post this on the project web site,
along with a template form, as suggested by Sean.
dalibor topic
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> Interaction with the CCC process:
> Preamble: JDK 7 exposes different kinds of interfaces to its users. See
> for an introduction. Changes to those interfaces need to be carefully managed.
> That's done through the CCC process. This document describes how the
> JDK 7 Updates Project plugs into that existing process.
> Rule 0: If a changeset proposed for a JDK 7 Update forest requires a specification change,
> directly affects an external interface, or otherwise has a compatibility impact, a CCC
> request MUST be initiated. Unless special circumstances hold, a specification change to a
> java.* or javax.* API is out of bounds for a JDK 7 update release.
> Rule 1: Currently, if the developer is not employed by Oracle, the CCC request SHOULD be
> initiated by the Technical Lead. Otherwise, the CCC request MUST be initiated by the developer
> proposing the changeset.
> Rule 2: When a CCC request is initiated, the initiator MUST post that a request has
> been initiated on the jdk7u-dev at mailing list.
> Rule 3: While a CCC request is in progress, the initiator MUST keep the
> jdk7u-dev at mailing list up to date on its progress, in particular whether the
> request has been approved.
> Rule 4: As a special exception, CCC requests for changes not going into a public JDK 7 Update
> forest are not covered by Rule 2 and Rule 3.
> Rule 5: A changeset for which the CCC request has not been approved (yet), MUST not be committed
> into a JDK 7 Update forest.
> Rule 6: The maintainer MAY request a CCC request to be initiated for a changeset.
Oracle <>
Dalibor Topic | Java F/OSS Ambassador
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