Proposal - Fix Approval Template OpenJDK 7u2 Phase 2
Edvard Wendelin
edvard.wendelin at
Wed Sep 28 08:40:03 PDT 2011
I didn't get any feedback on this proposal, so it's now considered
baselined. Once Dalibor is back from vacation we'll have it published on
the project's web page.
On 09/22/2011 10:05 PM, Edvard Wendelin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since we are going into phase 2 of the project, I'd like to propose an
> approval template to support this. I'd like to get feedback before
> Sunday evening so that it can be baselined on Monday.
> "Push requests for JDK 7 Update Stabilisation forests MUST be sent to
> the jdk7u-dev at mailing list and SHOULD follow this
> template:
> Subject: Request for phase 2 approval for CR $NR - $Synopsis
> With the body containing:
> • either a link to the publicly visible bug on the
> site (or its equivalent), or a description of the change in case that
> there is no publicly visible bug to link to
> • either a link to the publicly visible webrev or a link to the
> JDK 8 changeset, in case it's the the same patch as the corresponding
> changeset committed for JDK 8.
> • if the review is taking place somewhere else, a link to the
> public review thread
> • if the fix has already been reviewed for inclusion into
> jdk7u-dev, the list of reviewers
> • Provide rationale for why the fix should be approved, including
> the benefit and risks involved, what testing has been done, and what
> the results were.
> • The Release Team might decide to defer the approval request
> to the next update release, request more information or approve it.
> Communication is taken care of by the project lead."
> Cheers,
> Edvard
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