Should back-ports cc the mailing lists for the area? (was Re: [7u8] Request for approval: 7113017: Use POSIX compliant include file headers in sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h)

Victor Dyakov victor.dyakov at
Fri Aug 3 10:03:07 PDT 2012

Hi Alan,

I absolutely agree with this proposal.
Moreover I'd like to adjust a little bit this suggestion - it make sense 
that back-port *reviewer *should add in cc the mailing list for the 
area  (/swing-dev at, e.g.) in case if back-port 
*requester *did forget to cc the mailing list for the area.


On 03.08.2012 19:36, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Phil's comment about the back-port only being discussed on jdk7u-dev 
> is probably worth further discussion.
> One thing about jdk7u is that the barrier to get changes in is very 
> low. On one hand this is is wonderful as it means we can get fixes 
> into jdk7u in a timely manner and also keep the code mostly in sync 
> with jdk8. On the other hand it allows changes to go into jdk7u before 
> they have been tested or had any real usage in jdk8. I can point to 
> several fixes in jdk8 that had side effects that only came to light 
> after a few weeks. One would hope that if something creeps into jdk7u 
> that it would be found in a timely manner, it's just that sometimes 
> (not always) it is better to wait a bit before rushing a change into 
> jdk7u.
> I think Phil's suggestion is that back-port requests should cc the 
> mailing list for the area. That would at least allow the original 
> author and reviewers a chance to jump in if they wish. I think this 
> suggestion make sense as it improves the chances of the "domain 
> experts" seeing it.
> -Alan.

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