Request for approval for 7154030 - java.awt.Component.hide() does not repaint parent component

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at
Tue Aug 7 07:38:09 PDT 2012

Hi Neil,

yes - 2 changesets probably works better here in that it helps preserve 
code similarities with the JDK8 codebase.


On 07/08/2012 15:21, Neil Richards wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Just to clarify ...
> I believe you've authorized two changesets, for 7154030 and 7168144, to
> be uploaded to jdk7u-dev in a single push operation.
> (As opposed to pushing one changeset containing the changes for both bug
> ids).
> Please confirm whether this interpretation is correct.
> Thanks,
> Neil
> On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 16:21 +0100, Seán Coffey wrote:
>> Thanks for following up Jonathan -
>> Approved for 7u-dev. I'll update 7154030 and 7168144 records for 7u when
>> I see the push.
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 06/08/2012 03:13, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>> Hello Sean,
>>> Here's the webrev of the patch including both fixes for 7154030 and
>>> 7168144,
>>> requesting approval again for porting to 7u.
>>> Bugs:
>>> The fix has been review here,
>>> Thanks
>>> Jonathan
>>> On 08/03/2012 11:54 PM, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>>> Thanks for confirming Pavel -
>>>> Sounds like you're ok with changes going into 7u as long as 7168144
>>>> is there also.
>>>> Jonathan - please submit fixes/approval requests for both 7154030 and
>>>> 7168144 together when porting this to 7u.
>>>> You can probably run a hg export/import from jdk8 -> 7u for both bug
>>>> fixes and push once with both changesets.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Sean.
>>>> On 03/08/2012 15:46, Pavel Porvatov wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>> A bug fix can introduce behavioural changes which should not be
>>>>>> allowed in update releases.
>>>>>> In fact, I've just noticed that this fix caused issue in JCK
>>>>>> verification for JDK 8.
>>>>>> See
>>>>>> which is linked to 7154030
>>>>> Seán absolutely right. You should take into account fix of CR
>>>>> 7168144 while backportinng. Both CR should be backported together in
>>>>> one fix, I believe.
>>>>> Regards, Pavel
>>>>>> I think you may either have to get a swing engineer to review for
>>>>>> this port to 7u or start a specific thread for it on swing-dev.
>>>>>> If swing reviewers do approve this for backporting, then 7168144
>>>>>> changeset will also need porting (simple tag fix for JCK test issue)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Sean.
>>>>>> On 02/08/2012 08:41, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Sean,
>>>>>>>  From my point of view, this backport only introduces a fix for a
>>>>>>> existing bug 7154030.
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> Jonathan
>>>>>>> On 08/01/2012 12:05 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>>>>>>> does this backport introduce any behavioural changes that could
>>>>>>>> cause issue for an update release (as opposed to a feature
>>>>>>>> release/JDK8) ? I'm cc'ing the original reviewer here to confirm
>>>>>>>> this is ok for an update release just to be sure.  Pavel, any
>>>>>>>> issues with this going into 7u ? Granted, this is all around a
>>>>>>>> deprecated API so hopefully many applications aren't using it
>>>>>>>> anymore.
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Sean.
>>>>>>>> On 30/07/2012 23:31, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I'm requesting an approval to backport the fix for bug 7154030
>>>>>>>>> Bug:
>>>>>>>>> Change set from jdk8,
>>>>>>>>> the same patch is applicable for jdk7u8.
>>>>>>>>> The fix has been review here,
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>   Jonathan

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