jdk7u-b06: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Dec 17 16:27:26 PST 2012



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8003830   client-libs     NullPointerException in BasicTreeUI.Actions when getPathBounds returns null
JDK-8002077   client-libs     Possible mnemonic issue on JFileChooser Save button on nimbus L&F
JDK-8000423   client-libs     Diacritic is not applyed to a base letter on Linux
JDK-7201151   client-libs     Fix Contribution : Java cannot get Windows's IME name correctly
JDK-7194184   client-libs     JColorChooser swatch cannot accessed from keyboard
JDK-7154025   client-libs     [macosx] XAWTDifference case load nothing about the components in standframe except gray.
JDK-7147408   client-libs     [macosx] Add autodelay to fix a regression test
JDK-7124347   client-libs     [macosx] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" on call Graphics2D.drawRenderedImage
JDK-7072120   client-libs     No mac os x support in several regression tests
JDK-6671481   client-libs     NPE at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI$Handler.handleSelection
JDK-8003948   core-libs       NTLM/Negotiate authentication problem
JDK-8003597   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Eliminate dependency on javaweb from closed net tests
JDK-7200720   core-libs       crash in net.dll during NTLM authentication
JDK-7194032   core-libs       TEST_BUG: update tests for upcoming changes for jtreg
JDK-7190254   core-libs       NetworkInterface getFlags implementation should support full integer bit range for flags value
JDK-7166955   core-libs       (pack200) JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs needs additional checking
JDK-7163874   core-libs       InetAddress.isReachable should support pinging
JDK-7163865   core-libs       Performance improvement for DateFormatSymbols.getZoneIndex(String)
JDK-7161282   core-libs       Move test/sun/tools/classpath/RMICClassPathTest.java to a more appropriate location
JDK-7155168   core-libs       java/util/TimeZone/Bug6912560.java: expected Asia/Tokyo
JDK-7132889   core-libs       (se) AbstractSelectableChannel.register and configureBlocking not safe from asynchronous close
JDK-7104577   core-libs       Changes for 7104209 cause many RMI tests to fail
JDK-7104209   core-libs       Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
JDK-7025938   core-libs       Add bitmap mime type to content-types.properties
JDK-6610897   core-libs       New constructor in sun.tools.java.ClassPath builds a path using File.separator instead of File.pathS
JDK-8004217   core-svc        test/closed/com/oracle/jfr/api/RecordingTest/TestUnregisterProducer.java does not compile
JDK-8004131   core-svc        TEST_BUG: move jdi tests out of core testset
JDK-7197419   core-svc        add hanging jmx tests to ProblemList.txt
JDK-7164191   core-svc        properties.putAll API may fail with ConcurrentModifcationException on multi-thread scenario
JDK-8001747   docs            Need to document the removal of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge in the Java SE 7 docs
JDK-7194590   docs            Update trouble-shooting guide: SSL handshaking error caused by virtual server misconfiguration
JDK-7171028   globalization   dots are missed in the datetime for Slovanian
JDK-7200297   hotspot         jdwp and hprof code do not handle multiple sun.boot.library.path elements correctly
JDK-7173494   other-libs      some jdk tests are not run in test/Makefile
JDK-8004188   security-libs   Rename src/share/lib/security/java.security to java.security-linux
JDK-6952814   security-libs   sun/security/ssl/com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/InputRecord/InterruptedIO.java failing in PIT
JDK-8004391   tools           Bug fix in jtreg causes test failures in pre jdk 8 langtools tests
JDK-8000743   tools           docencoding not available to stylesheet
JDK-7192744   tools           fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
JDK-7192449   tools           fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
JDK-8003239   xml             Intermittent test failure - port in use

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