jdk7u-b07: jdk7u-dev
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Sun Jan 15 22:21:45 PST 2012
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
7127104 java build Build issue with prtconf and zones, also using := to avoid e
7121600 java classes_instrume Instrumentation.redefineClasses() leaks class bytes
7095980 java classes_net Ensure HttpURLConnection (and supporting APIs) don't expose
7128648 java classes_net HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields should return an unmodifia
7115586 java classes_nio (so) Suppress creation of SocketImpl in SocketAdaptor's cons
7047200 java classes_security keytool safe store (was Misleading error message)
7094155 java classes_security JSR105 code throws javax.xml.crypto.URIReferenceException wh
6505523 java classes_swing NullPointerException in BasicTreeUI when a node is removed b
7110815 java classes_swing closed/javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/bug4885629.java unstab
7115357 java classes_swing closed/javax/swing/JTable/6263446/bug6263446Table.java fails
7121765 java classes_swing closed/javax/swing/JTextArea/4697612/bug4697612.java fails o
7027061 java classes_util_i18 Testcase failure: java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java - java.ut
7117469 java classes_util_i18 Warning cleanup for j.u.Currency and j.u.Locale related clas
7126465 java classes_util_i18 closed/java/util/TimeZone/TimeZoneTest.java failing
7003595 java compiler IncompatibleClassChangeError with unreferenced local class w
7046929 java compiler tools/javac/api/T6397104.java fails
7121961 java javadoctool javadoc is missing a resource property
7121110 jaxp other JAXP 1.4.5 update 1 for 7u4
7078816 jce pkcs11_csp TEST: test/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/SecretKeysBasic.sh f
7046238 jets idl new InitialContext(); hangs
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