[7u4-osx] Please review: 7124089: launcher refactoring v2.0

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Sat Jan 21 10:05:20 PST 2012

Hi Kelly et. al.,

  I have beautified/fixed the Makefiles addressing Kellys' comments below:

1. Indented the Makefiles correctly.
2. Annotated with more  trailing comments to the if/else/endif clauses
3. Removed the offending \ escapes
4. Removed the * from Release.gmk, it turns out the files being copied
    were not quite right (missing files), fixed it such that all the 
appropriate files
    are copied.
5. Added comments for the MacOSX specific cflags.

The incremental webrev is here:

The full webrev is here:


> On the Makefiles....
> Please refrain from using any wildcards (e.g. * ) in the make rules. Better to be explicit, or if necessary
> use something like FILES=$(wildcard $(SOMEDIR)/*) and a cp $(FILES) $(SOMEPLACE)
> so that we can at least see in the Makefile log what it really copied.
> Please indent the Makefile if/else/endif statements.
> Thank you for the trailing comments on the endif's. ;^)
> Please try to avoid escaped quotes on the compile lines, use this  -DX='"abc"' rather than this -DX=\"abc\"
> escaped quotes are very problematic on Windows and I know this isn't Windows, but it tempts windows
> people to use it, it will not work in all situations. Where '"abc"' does.
> Please add a comment on what the -Os compiler option means, and also the -x objective-c, I could guess
> but would be better to document it in the makefile.
> -kto
> On Jan 20, 2012, at 8:24 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Based on all the comments from Anthony, Joe and David,
>> here is the modified version:
>> Highlights:
>> 1. re-factored code in solaris directory  to be shared with macosx,
>>     reducing duplication across the *nixes.
>> 2. adjusted the makefilesto allow the above
>> 2. eliminated all conditionals from the shared  java.c
>> 3. added a new launcher regression test for the macosx specific -X options
>> For those who have already reviewed the 0th version, here is an
>> incremental webrev to make it easier reviewing the differences.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ksrini/7124089/webrev.1/webrev.delta/index.html
>> Here is the complete webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ksrini/7124089/webrev.1/index.html
>> Thanks
>> Kumar

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