7u4 Request for approval for CR 7133220 - Additional patches to JAXP 1.4.5 update 1 for 7u4
Joe Wang
huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Wed Jan 25 07:19:53 PST 2012
With this additional patch, I'm fixing a SpecJvm2008 failure against 7u4 b07 (7098746), along with a couple of other fixes and accumulated Xalan update. The following will be available at http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7133220.
Additional patches to JAXP 1.4.5 update 1
Nr Category ID Synopsis/Description
1 JAXP/OTHER 7098746 SpecJvm2008 xml.transform subbenchmark fails validation
Apache Xalan update
Nr Key Synopsis/Description
1 XALANJ-1243 java.lang.StackOverflowError in XString.equals()
2 XALANJ-1991 StackOverflowException comparing two strings
3 XALANJ-2001 normalize-space gives StackOverflowError
4 XALANJ-1434 org.apache.xpath.axes.AxesWalker getLastPos: duplicate predicate testing (one line change)
5 XALANJ-1497 xsl:copy adds a newline to processing instructions
6 XALANJ-1706 DocumentFragment returned by extension element causes multiple SAX endDocument() events
7 XALANJ-2218 XML/HTML serializers should have default m_escapeSetting = true
8 XALANJ-2316 WriterToUTF8Buffered.write(String s) fail with big strings
9 XALANJ-2336 Xalan-J should stop using java.util.Vector in some cases
10 XALANJ-2218 major 11/Mar/06 XML/HTML serializers should have default m_escapeSetting = true
11 XALANJ-2236 trivial 30/Oct/06 [PATCH] clean up static calls thru instance references
12 XALANJ-2271 major08/Mar/06 XML 1.1 Serialization, char in attribute value not escaped
On 12/20/2011 3:43 PM, Joe Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> The jaxp bundle that I'm requesting to be pushed into jdk7u-dev
> contains virtually the same content as that for 7u2 (see
> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7091141).
> During 7u2, it was suspected that the jaxp integration had caused a
> build problem. The update was therefore withdrawn and deferred to
> 7u4. I have since reapplied the update in several small steps and
> tested by running the same jprt build that produced error during 7u2.
> Kelly has reviewed my latest test and approved it.
> The following are changes described in CR 7121110 (same as in CR
> 7091141):
> JAXP 1.4.5 update 1, candidates for 7u2
> Changes Made and Bugs Fixed in JAXP 1.4.5 update 1
> Nr Category ID Synopsis/Description
> 1 JAXP/XSLTC 6935697 JRE 1.6.0_17 contains buggy XALAN
> 3 JAXP/Conformance 6970900 Regex patterns beginning with "(?"
> 4 JAXP/Conformance 6970904 Character sequence \w in an regex pattern
> is narrower than defined in the specification
> 5 JAXP/Conformance 6971190 Xml document validator partly accepts UTF
> lexical presentation of digit and words
> 6 JAXP/Conformance 7042647 XMLGregorianCalendar: incorrect conversion
> in GregorianCalendar
> 7 JAXP/Conformance 6767322 XMLStreamReader.getVersion implementation
> contradicts JavaDoc
> 8 JAXP/Parse 7057778 Incompatible behavior of
> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser between JDK5 and 6
> 9 JAXP/Parse 7080954 high lock time for
> com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.imp.dv.DTDDVFactory.getInstance()
> 10 JAXP/Validation/Error report 7082570 XML validation error messages
> are missing unique identifier
> 11 JAXP/Parse 7053519 JAXP issue 69 : Double-checked locking bug in
> javax.xml.parsers.FactoryFinder.find(String, String)
> 12 JAXP/performance 7053556 An implementation-specific feature in
> Oracle's JAXP: to allow disable the use of services mechanism
> 14 JAXP/XSLT 7098746 SpecJvm2008 xml.transform subbenchmark fails
> validation
> Apache Xalan update
> Nr Key Synopsis/Description
> 1 XALANJ-1324 XSLTC compiltation error : Branch target offset too
> large for short
> 2 XALANJ-1774 Problem with reference to namespace prefix in AVT in XSLTC
> 3 XALANJ-2206 Propagate template inlining trax attribute
> 4 XALANJ-2292 XSLTC doesn't handle xsl:param passed as second argument
> to key function correctly
> 5 XALANJ-2294 XSLTC does not handle the key or id functions correctly
> when multiple input documents are involved
> 6 XALANJ-2295 XSLTC performance problems with xsl:key in Muenchian
> grouping
> 7 XALANJ-2318 XSLTC generates bytecode that exceeds JVM limitation on
> method length for stylesheet with many different QNames in path
> expressions
> 8 XALANJ-2384 NullPointerException for reference to key function in a
> top-level variable with XSLTC
> 9 XALANJ-2377 VerifyError loading translet compiled with XSLTC from
> stylesheet with very large template that uses local variable in a
> predicate, xsl:sort or xsl:number
> 10 XALANJ-2424 set:distinct() over attribute list breaks XSLTC
> 11 XALANJ-2446 Missing prefix for literal result element with XSLTC if
> namespace was associated with a different prefix in another part of
> the stylesheet
> 12 XALANJ-2447 Effect of exclude-result-prefixes is cumulative across
> stylesheet modules with XSLTC
> 13 XALANJ-2493 BasisLibrary.nodeList2Iterator broken
> 14 XALANJ-2339 XSLTC: name()-function doesnt work properly with
> test-statement before
> 15 XALANJ-2402 NullPointerException thrown for AVT in descendant of a
> literal result element that has a namespace declaration
> 16 XALANJ-2108 incorrect use of xsl:key cause NullPointerException
> 17 XALANJ-2061 Cleanup some dead code
> 18 XALANJ-2208 removal of some cruft that does nothing
> Thanks,
> Joe
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