Request for review: 7123229: (coll) EnumMap.containsValue(null) returns true

Neil Richards neil.richards at
Tue Jan 31 03:05:29 PST 2012

On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 10:38 +0000, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Thanks for getting this one fixed. One thing I notice is that your 
> change-set comment has you listed in the Contributed-by field and as the 
> author at the same time.

Hi Alan,
I had thought that always having "Contributed-by" was the correct thing
to do.

As you called it out, I re-read the relevant bit in the OpenJDK
Developers Guide [1] ("Formatting a Changeset Comment"), and now see
that I was mistaken:

        "It <the contributed-by line> should be included only when the
        author or authors of the change do not have commit rights to the
        target repository and thus would not otherwise receive

Thanks for the correction.



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