[7u6] Request for phase 2 approval for CR 7182135 - Impossible to use some editors directly

sunita koppar sunita.koppar at oracle.com
Fri Jul 13 05:35:02 PDT 2012

Hi All,

Please review the below Code change:

*Description of the bug:*
Theclasses sun.beans.editors.BoolEditor and sun.beans.editors.IntEditor 
are being used by some customers directly. These classes
have been changed in JRE7 to be sun.beans.editors.BooleanEditor 
and  sun.beans.editors.IntegerEditor. The current change is to make this 
change backward compatible.

Please note, this changeset is not and will not be pushed to JDK8 for 
below reasons:
1. The change is only to allow such private API usage up-till 7uX.
2. The webrev for 7u6 is different and incorporates only a subset of 
changes which have to be pushed immediately.
3. Even if we decide to port this to JDK8, the webrev for 7u8 (a greater 
set of changes) will go into JDK8 and not the one for 7u6 (current one).

*Tests done:*
1. JPRT built and tested successfully for all platforms
2. Unit testing done after modifying an existing testcase. This tries to 
load the BoolEditor and IntEditor classes. For details refer - 
3. Regression testing with jtreg.
4. JCK tests.

The change carries minimal risk as we are just extending existing 
classes to support additional editor names.

Sunita Koppar
Java Client Sustaining Engineer

P.S: My mercurial id is not working well. Hence requested Mala to 
publish the webrev for me. Thanks Mala.

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