pack200 --repack not working in Java 1.7 or Java 1.8 on Mac OS X

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at
Sat Jul 14 08:20:49 PDT 2012

At 3:58 PM +0100 7/14/12, Alan Bateman wrote:
>On 14/07/2012 15:34, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>>Where is the bug you created listed?
>>I can't see it here: 
>Give it day or so ( is not a real-time view of the bug database).

Normally I'd reference the url to the bug report when committing the change in my project.

However since it the bug is not visible yet I'll just refer to the bug-id.

That is of course a bit less reliable since I can't confirm that the bug-id is correct.

>>That's great. I've confirmed the work-around works for me in 1.8, 1.7 and 1.6.0_33
>Thanks for confirming, and interesting that this impacted Oracle's 6u33 too, I'm kinda surprised bythat because the changes 
>for<= 6 were not the same as >= 7.

It did NOT affect 6u33. 6u33 worked without requiring the work-around.

I implemented the work-around you suggested and tested in all three versions.

I did not expect any difference in the outcome when running on 6u33 and that was the result.

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