RE: [7u6] request for approval, 7174736 : JCK test api/java_util/HashMap/index_EntrySet failing

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Thu Jun 7 02:44:22 PDT 2012

Approved, pending positive review 

Oracle <> 
Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
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-----Original Message----- 
From: Mike Duigou [mike.duigou at]
Received: Donnerstag, 07 Jun. 2012, 9:56
To: jdk7u-dev at [jdk7u-dev at]
Subject: [7u6] request for approval, 7174736 : JCK test api/java_util/HashMap/index_EntrySet failing


This is a request to backport a JDK 8 fix into JDK 7u6:
    7174736 : JCK test api/java_util/HashMap/index_EntrySet failing

The fix is currently undergoing final testing and a patch is being reviewed for JDK8. Assuming the review confirms approval to push to JDK8, I would like to push to JDK78 as well.

The code changes for jdk7u6 are identical to the ones in jdk8.

I intend to push it to


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