[7u6] Request for approval for CR 7174645 Could not enable access bridge in Win XP - 32 bit

Ragini Prasad ragini.prasad at oracle.com
Fri Jun 8 15:20:30 PDT 2012

Resending for approval with updated webrev with /MD flag.



On 6/8/2012 10:22 AM, Ragini Prasad wrote:
> Thanks for pointing it out.
> It has dawned on me that I was using the debug version to link with.
> I'll modify the Makefile to use flag /MD instead of /MDd and I realize 
> that I wont need the /MT.
> Will resend for code review approval.
> Ragini.
> On 6/8/2012 10:02 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> We ship the msvcr100.dll with the jdk.
>> Artem is right, we never use the debug runtime msvcr100d.dll because 
>> we can't redistribute it, and we
>> don't statically link any runtimes  for lots of reasons.
>> We should be using the /MD and rely on msvcr100.dll shipped with the 
>> jdk/jre   unless there is a critical reason not to.
>> (the only exception I know about here are the launchers placed in the 
>> system32 directory, where we can't guarantee a
>> msvcr100.dll library is available or the right one).
>> -kto
>> On Jun 8, 2012, at 8:32 AM, Ragini Prasad wrote:
>>> Hi Artem,
>>> /MT flag links the MSVC***.dll statically.
>>> This is the Makefile (open) for utility (in closed) we added 
>>> Registry manipulation which needs the MSVC*** dll to be present on 
>>> the host machine, as this dll may not be present, hence the need to 
>>> do the static linking.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ragini.
>>> On 6/8/2012 2:02 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
>>>> Hi, Ragini, Pete,
>>>> as far as I understand, the fix is to replace /MDd with /MT, so we 
>>>> don't link to debug version of MS runtime, correct? Could you 
>>>> provide more details, why you link to the static version of the 
>>>> runtime (/MT), instead of dynamic one (/MD)? The only place in JDK 
>>>> where we use that is java/javaw launcher, all other libs are linked 
>>>> with /MD.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Artem
>>>> On 6/7/2012 9:49 PM, Ragini Prasad wrote:
>>>>> Requesting for approval to push the changes related to Makefile 
>>>>> into open.
>>>>> 7174645 : Could not enable access bridge in Win XP - 32 bit
>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~raginip/7174645/webrev.00/
>>>>> Reviewed by:
>>>>> Peter Brunet
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ragini.

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