JDK 7u4 is now GA

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Tue May 1 05:47:16 PDT 2012

On 5/1/12 12:58 PM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> which says there is "about a month or so left".  Then a release appears
> about two months later.  Am I missing something?

Hard to say. I think that the JavaOne strategy keynotes in Moscow & Tokio in April 
narrowed that down to 'by the end of the month', which was pretty much when it was 

Historically, work on 7u2 in OpenJDK began in July, with a release in December, so
it took about 6 months. Historically, work on 7u4 began with the 7u2 rampdown, i.e. in 
September, with a release in April, so it took about 8 months. But then 7u4 also brought 
in a new port for the first time in a long time. So you have historically 6-8 months 
as the time it took to deliver a JDK 7 Update release from the first changes making 
their way into the repos to the final source code tarball.

Historically, rampdown on 7u2 began in September, with a release in December, so 
that phase took about 3 months. Historically, rampdown on 7u4 began in February,
with a release in April, so that phase took about 2 months. So you have historically
2-3 months as the time it took to deliver a JDK 7 Update release from the start of
the rampdown phase.

The other aspect of release timing you can look at are CPU releases - their dates are 
publicly known well ahead of time. See 
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/alerts-086861.html for details. 

If you line the JDK 7 Updates releases so far, you get:

7u1: October '11 (CPU)
7u2: December '11
7u3: February '12 (CPU)
7u4: April '12

so it seems like we have had an approximately 2 month cadence over the past couple of releases. 

Obviously, I can't say whether that will continue in that same fashion, as I can't predict 
the future, but I hope this helps you get a rough idea about the timing of the previous 

dalibor topic
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