regression: jdk1.7.0_04 return FQHN

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed May 9 05:02:53 PDT 2012

On 09/05/2012 10:15, Wolfgang Hoschek wrote:
> [7u6] In jdk1.7.0_04 GA return the fully qualified host name (e.g. "") instead of returning the hostname without the domain (e.g. "ip-10-172-17-93"). This is a regression wrt. all prior versions of jdk 1.7 and jdk 1.6. This breaks applications that expect the old behavior.
This isn't really a bug, it's always been possible for getHostName to 
return the FQHN, it's just been very platform and configuration 
specific. However there was a behavior change on Linux and Mac in 7u4 
and jdk8 that came via the addition of the Mac port. He has already been 
fixed in jdk8 as 7166687 [1] and I believe Rob intends to get it into 
jdk7u too.



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