Review OSX universal mode patch

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Thu May 10 23:56:14 PDT 2012

> My concerns with the patch is the necessity of introducing these platform
> specific ifdefs into what is notionally shared code - yes there are already
> ifdefs in there but I still dislike seeing this. And I think the various
> "arch" variables are being misused in ways that ultimately lead to confusion
> - the OSX build shouldn't require a completely different understanding of
> the build system.

As Scott mentioned there is 2 binaries build and assembled, one in 32
bits and another in 64 bits.
This is a great strength of OSX avoiding to provide 2 differents
binaries and so 2 differents packages.

> I was not familiar with the Universal build and to be honest it seems to be
> more of a hindrance than a help. If the build was done as two passes: 32-bit
> then 64-bit with a stage at the end to produce the universal binary, then
> bit-specific make variables could continue to work as they were intended -
> is that possible?

To me its not an hindrance but a great feature.
There is some OSX gurus around, Mike and Scott to name a few and they
could give more technicals informations.

> I also think this should be taken to JDK8 first.

No problem to get this ported to JDK8 first then backported to JDK7u.

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