Review OSX universal mode patch

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Fri May 11 01:41:54 PDT 2012

> The patch looks fine to me. The value of "universal" is required to let the build infrastructure pass both architectures to the compiler, and let the compiler do the work of running twice, and then combining the results.

Good news, in fact patches are back port of settings available in macosx-port.

> The #ifdef is done so that in the separate runs of the compiler, one value is hardcoded, and the other is not. At runtime, the expected values are output, and there is a single Mach-o executable on disk, with two architecture slices inside of it.

A nice feature of OSX.

> Perhaps David was unfamiliar with the Universal build process, but this is the exact sort of impedance mis-match that comes from the mainline developers not eating, breathing, and living on the configuration in question. The individual who signs up to support 32/64 Universal, is essentially signing up to defend changes like this, and whomp the mainline developers over the head when they break the unsupported configuration. Not an easy task.

It's not an easy task for an individual contributor especially when
it's not its daily job.
But could be supported by a team of contributors.

Who could be interested in joining such effort ?

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