Review OSX universal mode patch

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Fri May 11 11:54:27 PDT 2012

> But the OS X build system builds for multiple architectures fundamentally differently than any other toolchain on any other OS.

Yes and clearly it rocks !

> By doing multiple passes on the same file at the same time, the disk cache is most effectively utilized. By simply tacking on additional architecture flags to the CFLAGS, more architectures can be trivially introduced into legacy Makefile projects without wide sweeping changes across the whole project to build into different directories. This is why we introduced concept of the "universal" architecture for the directory names, which could mean "i386", "x64_64", or "i386+x86_64", depending on how you were building.

i386+x86_64+ppc+arm, a dream :)

> It's possible, but not easy. Given that we have a solution that works in the here and now, an #ifdef is a small price to pay until the next major build system refactoring occurs.


>> I also think this should be taken to JDK8 first.
> Of course.

I could propose adapted patches for JDK8. These patches will activate
universal mode only if ARCH=universal so it won't break current
defaults, aka x86_64.


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