Request for approval: 7025938: Add bitmap mime type to

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed Oct 24 02:51:23 PDT 2012

Yes, there is a small change in behavior here. getContent is not all 
that widely used, and I'm not sure if this change in behavior should 
surprise anyone.

Sean, could you write a simple test that demonstrates this change in 
behavior? I'd like to get a better feel for what how this would impact 
existing code.


On 24/10/2012 10:10, Sean Chou wrote:
> Hello,
>      This is request for approval to push the fix of 7025938 to jdk7u,
> please take a look.
> Link to the bug:
> Changeset in jdk8:
> The webrev for jdk7u is the same with changeset of jdk8 without any change.
> Building on windows and linux passes.
> Review thread start:
> However, this seems a behavior change. cc reviewers.

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