Request for approval: 7121314 : Behavior mismatch between AbstractCollection.toArray(T[] ) and its spec

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Mon Sep 3 11:53:06 PDT 2012

I agree with David.

On Sep 3 2012, at 04:16 , David Holmes wrote:

> On 3/09/2012 9:08 PM, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>> Behavior mismatch between AbstractCollection.toArray(T[] ) and its spec
>> Is such a correction in an update allowed now ? Even if it is a
>> correction to original (released) behaviour ? This may be harmless but
>> I'm checking to be sure.
>> David, Mike, Sean - what are your thoughts here ? Does this need further
>> discussion with conformance/compatibility engineers ?
> I don't have an issue with it. I can't imagine anyone relying on it working the way it had been as the whole thing depends on a race condition anyway.
> David
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 03/09/2012 09:54, Sean Chou wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Here is a request for porting fix 7121314 back to JDK7, could you please
>>> help review?
>>> Bug is:
>>> Changeset is:
>>> Thread where it was reviewed:

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