Backports to jdk7u / was : (Re: Request for approval:7151427: Fix the potential memory leak in error handling code in X11SurfaceData.c)

Phil Race philip.race at
Tue Sep 18 11:09:37 PDT 2012

Every fix adds risk. And some things don't add enough value to make 7u 
detectably better.
Some fixes may be low risk but add minimal value.
The focus for making things better needs to be JDK 8.


On 9/18/2012 11:03 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Phil -
> This fix has soaked in jdk8 for ~5 months. It was initially 
> contributed by Sean Chou who has an interest in jdk7u. Why can't it be 
> backported if he's willing to make JDK7u better ?
> I'm not getting your argument around us needing to ramp down 7u fixes. 
> If folks want to contribute tried and tested fixes to jdk7u which 
> would appear low risk, then isn't it a win, win for all JDK users ? 
> Yes, there are risks to each fix but we have a large number of tests 
> run for each update release.
> jdk7u is going to be around for many years to come. It's by no means a 
> product which we need to start decreasing fixes on in my view! Fixing 
> in jdk8 is also a requirement for jdk7u integration.
> I do see validity in your point around deciding risk assessment of 
> backports. It's possibly something that we need to scrutinize more ? 
> That brings more work for reviewers of course.
> regards,
> Sean.
> On 18/09/2012 18:44, Phil Race wrote:
>> Actually this clearly falls into the 'not remotely important enough 
>> to backport' bucket.
>> So I would not approve this backport.
>> -phil.
>> On 9/18/12 10:39 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>> Approved for jdk7u-dev.  Note that this most likely means the fix 
>>> will end up in 7u12. If there's a strong justification for 7u10 
>>> inclusion, let me know and one of the jdk7u maintainers can help you 
>>> work through a phase2 request[1] for 7u10.
>>> I'll create a bug record to track this fix in jdk7u.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sean.
>>> [1]
>>> On 14/09/2012 09:55, Sean Chou wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Here's a request of porting fix 7151427 back to JDK7, could you 
>>>> please help
>>>> to review?
>>>> Bug:
>>>> Change set:
>>>> Thread where it was reviewed:
>>>> *
>>>> *

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