Request for approval: 7159982: ZipFile uses static for error message when malformed zip file encountered

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at
Tue Sep 18 11:12:49 PDT 2012

Approved for jdk7u-dev.  Note that this most likely means the fix will 
end up in 7u12. If there's a strong justification for 7u10 inclusion, 
let me know and one of the jdk7u maintainers can help you work through a 
phase2 request[1] for 7u10.

I'll create a bug record to track this fix in jdk7u.



On 17/09/2012 10:47, Sean Chou wrote:
> Hello,
> This is a request to port changeset for 7159982 to JDK7, could you please
> help review?
> The changeset in jdk8:
> The webrev for jdk7u:
> There is no modification between two.

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