[7u communication] 7u10 release has entered phase2 approval mode

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Wed Sep 19 03:06:13 PDT 2012

With the creation of the 7u10 stabilization forests due very shortly, 
all future fixes for 7u10 need to be integrated into the stabilization 
forest using the phase2 approval template. The stabilization forests are 
not yet live since Release Engineering team perform PIT (Pre-Integration 
Testing) with jdk7u-dev sources taken 1 week before planned promotion. 
This process may not be very clear in the 7u10 schedule[1] and I'll work 
on getting that corrected for next update release.

The 7u10-b08 build should occur very shortly. Then, the master forest 
will be tagged. And finally, the 7u10 stabilization forest will be created.

Any pending approval requests for 7u10 need to follow the phase 2 
process[2] and will require extra reviews and justification.

The jdk7u-dev forest will continue to take fixes for 7u12.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/releases/7u10.html
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/phase2/phase2-process.html

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