jdk7u-b22: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Apr 22 13:22:46 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8009881   client-libs     TEST_BUG: javax/swing/JTree/8004298/bug8004298.java should be modified
JDK-8009809   client-libs     Better Opentype font processing
JDK-8009630   client-libs     TEST_BUG: javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java fails with timeout
JDK-8009530   client-libs     ICU Kern table support broken
JDK-8009305   client-libs     Improve AWT data transfer
JDK-8008815   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] Add back tests to the Problemlist files post the jdk7u -> 7u-cpu test sync up.
JDK-8008379   client-libs     TEST_BUG: Fail automatically with java.lang.NullPointerException.
JDK-8008249   client-libs     Sync latest ICU opentype layout engine into JDK
JDK-8007918   client-libs     Better image writing
JDK-8007675   client-libs     Improve color conversion 
JDK-8007667   client-libs     Better image reading
JDK-8007617   client-libs     Better validation of images
JDK-8007408   client-libs     More font handling improvements
JDK-8007406   client-libs     Improve accessibility of AccessBridge
JDK-8007014   client-libs     Improve image handling
JDK-8006809   client-libs     Improve TrueType font handling
JDK-8006795   client-libs     Improve font warning messages
JDK-8006790   client-libs     Improve checking for windows
JDK-8006417   client-libs     JComboBox.showPopup(), hidePopup() fails in JRE 1.7 on OS X
JDK-8005920   client-libs     After pressing combination Windows Key and M key, the frame, the instruction and the dialog can't be minimized.
JDK-8005285   client-libs     Improve handling of malformed fonts
JDK-8004994   client-libs     Improve checking of glyph table
JDK-8004987   client-libs     Improve font layout
JDK-8004986   client-libs     Better handling of glyph table
JDK-8004261   client-libs     Improve input validation
JDK-8003982   client-libs     new test javax/swing/AncestorNotifier/7193219/bug7193219.java failed on macosx
JDK-8003978   client-libs     [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JRootPane/bug4670486.java fails since jdk7u12b01 on macosx
JDK-8001161   client-libs     [macosx] EmbeddedFrame doesn't become active window
JDK-8001031   client-libs     Better font processing
JDK-8000630   client-libs     [macosx] closed/java/awt/Clipboard/DelayedQueryTest/DelayedQueryTest.html fails
JDK-7200507   client-libs     Refactor Introspector internals
JDK-7193219   client-libs     JComboBox serialization fails in JDK 1.7
JDK-7161759   client-libs     TEST_BUG: java/awt/Frame/WindowDragTest/WindowDragTest.java fails to compile, should be modified
JDK-7153758   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] test closed/javax/swing/text/html/FormView/6222200/bug6222200.java fail
JDK-7147408   client-libs     [macosx] Add autodelay to fix a regression test
JDK-7147075   client-libs     JTextField doesn't get focus or loses focus forever
JDK-7129800   client-libs     [macosx] Regression test OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTest fails due to timing issue
JDK-7124347   client-libs     [macosx] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" on call Graphics2D.drawRenderedImage
JDK-7104594   client-libs     [macosx] Test closed/javax/swing/JFrame/4962534/bug4962534 expects Metal L&F by default
JDK-7077259   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test work correctly only when default L&F is Metal
JDK-7076791   client-libs     closed/javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6827032.java failed on windows
JDK-7072120   client-libs     No mac os x support in several regression tests
JDK-8011234   core-libs       Performance regression with ftp protocol when uploading in image mode
JDK-8010166   core-libs       TEST_BUG: fix for 8009634 overlooks possible version strings (sun/misc/Version/Version.java)
JDK-8009814   core-libs       Better driver management
JDK-8009766   core-libs       General error loses important information
JDK-8009634   core-libs       TEST_BUG: sun/misc/Version/Version.java handle 2 digit minor in VM version
JDK-8009463   core-libs       Regression test test\java\lang\Runtime\exec\ArgWithSpaceAndFinalBackslash.java failing.
JDK-8009063   core-libs       Improve reliability of ConcurrentHashMap
JDK-8009049   core-libs       Better method handle binding
JDK-8008223   core-libs       java/net/BindException/Test.java fails rarely
JDK-8007609   core-libs       WinNTFileSystem_md.c should correctly check value returned from realloc
JDK-8007515   core-libs       TEST_BUG: update ProblemList.txt and TEST.ROOT in jdk7u-dev to match jdk8
JDK-8006979   core-libs       closed/sun/rmi/transport/proxy/CgiHandlerErrorOutputTest.java failing
JDK-8006669   core-libs       sun/security/ssl/sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/PostThruProxy.sh fails on mac
JDK-8006560   core-libs       java/net/ipv6tests/B6521014.java fails intermittently
JDK-8006534   core-libs       CLONE - TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently-doesn't retry enough times
JDK-8006039   core-libs       test/tools/launcher/I18NJarTest.java fails on Mac w/ LANG=C, LC_ALL=C
JDK-8005962   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/util/Properties/MacJNUEncoding can fail in certain environments
JDK-8005943   core-libs       (process) Improved Runtime.exec
JDK-8005646   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGroup/UnregisterGroup leaves process running
JDK-8005556   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/net/Socks/SocksV4Test.java is missing @run tag
JDK-8005290   core-libs       TEST_BUG: remove -showversion from RMI test library subprocess mechanism
JDK-8004925   core-libs       java/net/Socks/SocksV4Test.java failing on all platforms
JDK-8004748   core-libs       TEST_BUG: clean up @build tags in RMI tests
JDK-8004317   core-libs       TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently, but exception not reported
JDK-8003597   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Eliminate dependency on javaweb from closed net tests
JDK-8003335   core-libs       Better handling of Finalizer thread
JDK-8003228   core-libs       (props) sun.jnu.encoding should be set to UTF-8 [macosx] 
JDK-8002297   core-libs       sun/net/www/protocol/http/StackTraceTest.java fails intermittently
JDK-8001329   core-libs       Augment RMI logging
JDK-8001322   core-libs       Refactor deserialization
JDK-8001040   core-libs       Rework RMI model
JDK-8000817   core-libs       Reinstate accidentally removed sleep() from ProcessBuilder/Basic.java
JDK-8000724   core-libs       Improve networking serialization 
JDK-7199637   core-libs       TEST_BUG: add serialization tests to jdk7u problem list for macosx
JDK-7194032   core-libs       TEST_BUG: update tests for upcoming changes for jtreg
JDK-7187882   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/checkusage/CheckUsage.java fails intermittently
JDK-7186111   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGroup/UnregisterGroup passes incorrectly
JDK-7185340   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Leaky.java failing intermittently [win]
JDK-7184946   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Compilation failed: com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/ContextWithNullProperties
JDK-7184943   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Compilation failed: com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/UnbindIdempotent.java
JDK-7162385   core-libs       TEST_BUG: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/B4957695.java failing again
JDK-7152856   core-libs       TEST_BUG: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/B4957695.java failing on Windows
JDK-7152796   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/net/Socks/SocksV4Test.java does not terminate
JDK-7152183   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failing intermittently [sol]
JDK-7144861   core-libs       RMI activation tests are too slow
JDK-7142596   core-libs       TEST_BUG: many RMI tests fail because of port conflicts
JDK-7132247   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/rmi/registry/readTest/readTest.sh failing with Cygwin
JDK-7105929   core-libs       java/util/concurrent/FutureTask/BlockingTaskExecutor.java fails on solaris sparc
JDK-7103957   core-libs       NegativeArraySizeException while initializing class IntegerCache
JDK-7102670   core-libs       Linux test failure with global IPv6 address
JDK-7089131   core-libs       test/java/lang/invoke/InvokeGenericTest.java does not compile
JDK-7084033   core-libs       TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/ThreadGroup/Stop.java fails intermittently
JDK-7044870   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SelectWhenRefused.java failed on SUSE Linux 10
JDK-7032247   core-libs       java/net/InetAddress/GetLocalHostWithSM.java fails if hostname resolves to loopback address
JDK-7030573   core-libs       test/java/io/FileInputStream/LargeFileAvailable.java fails when there is insufficient disk space
JDK-6965150   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Basic.java takes too long
JDK-6963841   core-libs       java/util/concurrent/Phaser/Basic.java fails intermittently
JDK-6957683   core-libs       TEST_BUG: test/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/Custom.java failing
JDK-6948101   core-libs       java/rmi/transport/pinLastArguments/PinLastArguments.java failing intermittently
JDK-6860309   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Insufficient sleep time in java/lang/Runtime/exec/StreamsSurviveDestroy.java
JDK-6818464   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/KillThread.java failing intermittently
JDK-6776144   core-libs       java/lang/ThreadGroup/NullThreadName.java fails with Thread group is not destroyed ,fastdebug LINUX
JDK-6736316   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Timeout value in java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/FlakyMutex.java is insufficient
JDK-6720349   core-libs       (ch) Channels tests depending on hosts inside Sun
JDK-8009165   core-svc        7u21 port of 8006435 needs revision
JDK-8006435   core-svc        Improvements in JMX
JDK-8004217   core-svc        test/closed/com/oracle/jfr/api/RecordingTest/TestUnregisterProducer.java does not compile
JDK-8001621   core-svc        Update awk scripts that check output from jps/jcmd
JDK-7194035   core-svc        update tests for upcoming changes for jtreg
JDK-7175775   core-svc        Disable SA options in jinfo/Basic.java test until SA updated for new hash and String count/offset
JDK-7154114   core-svc        jstat tests failing on non-english locales
JDK-7154113   core-svc        jcmd, jps and jstat tests failing when there are unknown Java processes on the system
JDK-7144833   core-svc        sun/tools/jcmd/jcmd-Defaults.sh failing intermittently
JDK-7076756   core-svc        TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/BreakpointWithFullGC.sh fails to cleanup in Cygwin
JDK-7073295   core-svc        TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/instrument/ManifestTest.sh causing havoc (win)
JDK-6963102   core-svc        Testcase failures sun/tools/jstatd/jstatdExternalRegistry.sh and sun/tools/jstatd/jstatdDefaults.sh
JDK-8009857   deploy          Problem with plugin
JDK-8012572   hotspot         ProblemList.txt : Exclude sun/tools/jmap/Basic.sh for short term
JDK-8012418   hotspot         Expose HotSpot allocation events for JFR
JDK-8012091   hotspot         Harden JFR tests
JDK-8011871   hotspot         Add tests for young garbage collection event
JDK-8011613   hotspot         Remove warnings and dead code in JFR tests
JDK-8010377   hotspot         ExceptionEvents doesn't get turned on properly in the ExceptionEventTest
JDK-8009699   hotspot         Better resolution of classes
JDK-8009677   hotspot         Better setting of setters
JDK-8009399   hotspot         Bump the hsx build number for APRIL CPU
JDK-8009032   hotspot         Implement evacuation info event
JDK-8008917   hotspot         CMS: Concurrent mode failure tracing event
JDK-8008704   hotspot         closed/com/oracle/jfr/api/RecordingTest/TestIncreaseRecordingTime.java fails
JDK-8008140   hotspot         Better method handle resolution
JDK-8006428   hotspot         JFR: SocketRead-/WriteEvent: Split the host field into host and address
JDK-8006309   hotspot         More reliable control panel operation
JDK-8005006   hotspot         Code Sweeper Sweep tests time out on MacOSX / Solaris_sparc
JDK-8004336   hotspot         Better handling of method handle intrinsic frames
JDK-7183753   hotspot         Some colon in the diff for this test
JDK-7182152   hotspot         Instrumentation hot swap test incorrect monitor count
JDK-7173959   hotspot         Jvm crashed during coherence exabus (tmb) testing
JDK-7140868   hotspot         TEST_BUG: jcmd tests need to use -XX:+UsePerfData
JDK-7104161   hotspot         test/sun/tools/jinfo/Basic.sh fails on Ubuntu
JDK-8008237   infrastructure  7u15-b32 integration build failure
JDK-8006120   infrastructure  Provide "Server JRE" for 7u train
JDK-7184406   infrastructure  Adjust get_source/hgforest script to allow for trailing // characters
JDK-7170091   infrastructure  Fix missing wait between repo cloning in hgforest.sh
JDK-7167976   infrastructure  Fix broken get_source.sh script
JDK-7167593   infrastructure  Changed get_source.sh to allow for getting full oracle jdk repo forest
JDK-8011122   other-libs      Update JDK7 with Java DB
JDK-7162111   other-libs      TEST_BUG: change tests run in headless mode [macosx]
JDK-8011867   security-libs   Accept unknown PKCS #9 attributes
JDK-8011745   security-libs   Unknown CertificateChoices
JDK-8009750   security-libs   javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SecurityManager/XMLDSigWithSecMgr.java should run in other vm mode
JDK-8009610   security-libs   Blacklist certificate used with malware.
JDK-8009284   security-libs   add closed/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/noca/noca.sh to ProblemList
JDK-8007688   security-libs   Blacklist known bad certificate
JDK-8006777   security-libs   Improve TLS handling of invalid messages
JDK-8006624   security-libs   AGAIN - closed/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/noca/noca.sh failed because cert expired
JDK-8006564   security-libs   Test sun/security/util/Oid/S11N.sh fails with timeout on Linux 32-bit
JDK-8005460   security-libs   [findbugs] Probably returned array should be cloned
JDK-8004873   security-libs   Arrayindexoutofboundsexception for jce decrypting
JDK-8003445   security-libs   Adjust JAX-WS to focus on API
JDK-8002313   security-libs   TEST_BUG : jdk/test/java/security/Security/ClassLoaderDeadlock/ClassLoaderDeadlock.java should run in headless mode
JDK-7183203   security-libs   ShortRSAKeynnn.sh tests intermittent failure
JDK-7178649   security-libs   TEST BUG: BadKdc3.java needs improvement to ignore the unlikely but possible timeout
JDK-7109274   security-libs   Restrict the use of certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits
JDK-7102106   security-libs   TEST_BUG: sun/security/util/Oid/S11N.sh should be modified
JDK-7055363   security-libs   jdk_security3 test target cleanup
JDK-7055362   security-libs   jdk_security2 test target cleanup
JDK-7054918   security-libs   jdk_security1 test target cleanup
JDK-8006536   tools           [launcher]  removes trailing slashes on arguments
JDK-8004391   tools           Bug fix in jtreg causes test failures in pre jdk 8 langtools tests
JDK-7192744   tools           fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
JDK-7192449   tools           fix up tests to accommodate jtreg spec change
JDK-8008979   xml             Need to investigate a possibility to create the test for JDK-8003542
JDK-8005432   xml             Update access to JAX-WS
JDK-8003543   xml             Improve processing of MTOM attachments
JDK-6657673   xml             Better data model for JAXP

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