jdk7u-b01: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Aug 12 10:48:12 PDT 2013



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8020983   client-libs     OutOfMemoryError caused by non garbage collected JPEGImageWriter Instances
JDK-8020811   client-libs     [macosx] Merge fault 7u25-7u40: Missed focus fix JDK-8012330
JDK-8020371   client-libs     [macosx] applets with Drag and Drop fail with IllegalArgumentException
JDK-8020298   client-libs     [macosx] Incorrect merge in the lwawt code.
JDK-8020038   client-libs     [macosx] Incorrect usage of invokeLater() and likes in callbacks called via JNI from AppKit thread
JDK-8019628   client-libs     [macosx] closed/java/awt/Modal/BlockedMouseInputTest/BlockedMouseInputTest.html failed since 7u40b30 on MacOS
JDK-8019587   client-libs     [macosx] Possibility to set the same frame for the different screens
JDK-8019265   client-libs     [macosx] apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar regression comparing with jdk6
JDK-8019201   client-libs     Regression: java.awt.image.ConvolveOp throws java.awt.image.ImagingOpException
JDK-8017189   client-libs     [macosx] AWT program menu disabled on Mac
JDK-8016737   client-libs     After clicking on "Print UNCOLLATED" button, the print out come in order 'Page 1', 'Page 2', 'Page 1'
JDK-8016047   client-libs     TEST_BUG: There are no java-cup icons inside the frame for TestUnixDefaultIcon.java.
JDK-8011059   client-libs     [macosx] Make JDK demos look perfect on retina displays
JDK-8010253   client-libs     missed remove one file for 8009857
JDK-8009769   client-libs     It is not appropriate to use deamon threads for explict download of security files.
JDK-8009168   client-libs     accessibility.properties syntax issue
JDK-8006941   client-libs     [macosx] Deadlock in drag and drop
JDK-8005019   client-libs      JTable passes row index instead of length when inserts selection interval 
JDK-8004859   client-libs     Graphics.getClipBounds/getClip return difference nonequivalent bounds, depending from transform.
JDK-7199783   client-libs     Setting cursor on DragSourceContext does not work on OSX
JDK-7192977   client-libs     JMX data needs validation
JDK-6550588   client-libs     java.awt.Desktop cannot open file with Windows UNC filename
JDK-6230360   client-libs     Spelling mistake in documentation for AWT: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
JDK-8021946   core-libs       Disabling sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerCaller(int) by default breaks several frameworks and libraries
JDK-8021245   core-libs       (process) file leak in jdk/src/windows/native/java/lang/ProcessImpl_md.c
JDK-8020669   core-libs       (fs) Files.readAllBytes() does not read any data when Files.size() is 0
JDK-8020625   core-libs       [TESTBUG] java/util/HashMap/OverrideIsEmpty.java doesn't compile for jdk7u
JDK-8020498   core-libs       Crash when both libnet.so and libmawt.so are loaded
JDK-8020228   core-libs       Restore the translated version of logging_xx.properties
JDK-8020054   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2013d
JDK-8019979   core-libs       Replace CheckPackageAccess test with better one from closed repo
JDK-8019381   core-libs       HashMap.isEmpty is non-final, potential issues for get/remove
JDK-8019182   core-libs       test/closed/java/net/URLClassLoader/Gifar.java fails intermittently on Windows
JDK-8017174   core-libs       NPE when using Logger.getAnonymousLogger or LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger
JDK-8015978   core-libs       Incorrect transformation of XPath expression "string(-0)"
JDK-8014045   core-libs       test/java/lang/management/PlatformLoggingMXBean/LoggingMXBeanTest.java failing intermittently
JDK-8009185   core-libs       FilesInUse.EXE should clean up FIUCancel registry key   
JDK-8019826   core-svc        [Test bug] Test com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/SetVMOption.java fails with NPE
JDK-8019594   core-svc        TestObjectCountAfterGCEvent.java fails with wrong size of instances in event
JDK-8017306   core-svc        2 closed/com/oracle/jfr/gc/ tests failed with AssertionError in nightly build on solaris-sparc
JDK-8016838   core-svc        [TEST_BUG] java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh needs modification
JDK-8011038   core-svc        sourceObj validation during desereliazation of RelationNotification should be relaxed
JDK-8009985   core-svc        [parfait] Uninitialised variable at jdk/src/solaris/native/com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystem_md.c
JDK-8007457   core-svc        [TEST_BUG]? com/oracle/jfr/api/RepositoryChunkTest/TestRespectSecurityManager.java fails in 7u-dev after JFR phase 2 code
JDK-7067691   core-svc        java/lang/management/PlatformLoggingMXBean/LoggingMXBeanTest.java failing intermittently
JDK-8022092   deploy          REGRESSION: Webstart app can not launch in 7u40
JDK-8021947   deploy          Location rule with 80 port doesn't match the applet using port 80 since it will forward to the url without 80 automaticlly
JDK-8021907   deploy          DRS: certificate element algorithm is supposed to default to SHA-256
JDK-8021884   deploy          applet performance degrades due to ocsp calls
JDK-8021802   deploy          DRS initialization is still not working after JDK-8021590 - "Cannot verify rule set jar"
JDK-8021590   deploy          Follow up of: JDK-8021132 - NPE initializing DSR with multiple applets in a VM
JDK-8021585   deploy          Setting trace level 5 in console does not enable all tracing.
JDK-8021582   deploy          Apple rejects deployed application as it's using non-public API
JDK-8021579   deploy          [macosx] cannot update from JCP when auto update is turned off
JDK-8021308   deploy          Missing Reload option when user cancels security prompt for signed all permissions applet
JDK-8021299   deploy          DRS: Mixed code dialog for javascript to java call should be suppressed if DRS run rule is in effect for called artifact
JDK-8021297   deploy          FX app throws NPE for JNLP with <javafx-desc> only
JDK-8021235   deploy          More information dialogs displays trusted authority for self signed certificates
JDK-8021234   deploy          Expired certificate information is missing from more information dialog against self-signed certificates
JDK-8021232   deploy          DRS: Mixed code warning should get suppressed if "run" action is specified (java to java case)
JDK-8021231   deploy          DRS: Location rule needs to be changed against server/port/protocol
JDK-8021217   deploy          Display of DRS from JCP is very slow
JDK-8021132   deploy          Applet is blocked if the default version satisfies the DRS version
JDK-8020941   deploy          DRS: Make ruleset element version attribute mandatory
JDK-8020929   deploy          EQ.isDispatchThread() shouldn't be called for FX apps
JDK-8020858   deploy          Java Webstart persistence service API suffers from integer wrap issue
JDK-8020773   deploy          Remove the ?remember this decision? from the dialogs for self-signed and unsigned applets
JDK-8020558   deploy          No blocked dialog for Fx apps when requested jre is not installed
JDK-8020494   deploy          Native expired dialog shows up for expired/old jre when Deployment Rule Set file with "run" per is installed 
JDK-8020491   deploy          Tighter checking of elementes and attributes in ruleset.xml
JDK-8020390   deploy          LSP: LocalSecurityPolicy is initialized too soon
JDK-8020365   deploy          policy file contains "*" as location in id tag  and run permission can not block applets
JDK-8020160   deploy          LSP: rename LocalSecurityPolicy (LSP) to DeploymentRuleSet (DRS)
JDK-8020096   deploy          Revert to showing blocked dialogs 
JDK-8019870   deploy          JCP shows link to security policy when one doesn't exist
JDK-8019804   deploy          Jnlp can't load, the case failed automatically with "GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once. aborting??"
JDK-8019549   deploy          Version=SECURE-1.7 in policy file grants run permission to apps run with insecured JRE when the only secure jre is disabled from JCP 
JDK-8019425   deploy          Local Security Policy: Any "run" rule must have at least one application qualifier 
JDK-8019363   deploy          LSP id/checksum feature does not work as per its spec as far as main/other jars/classes is concerned.
JDK-8019222   deploy          Unsigned jar in jnlp applet extension is blocked when local security policy file grants run permission
JDK-8019211   deploy          Exception thrown for certificate UI revocation when click "Application Blocked - click for details"
JDK-8019206   deploy           	Unsigned warning is shown in case signed jar tries to look for class which does not exist 
JDK-8019177   deploy          getdocument base should behave the same as getcodebase for file applets
JDK-8017776   deploy          Swing Event Thread does not use JNLP class loader
JDK-8017465   deploy          Inconsistent location is used for local security policy between jnlp applet and non-jnlp applets
JDK-8017249   deploy          Plug-in does not report version
JDK-8017218   deploy          REGRESSION:Fail to detect Java after upgrade to 7u25 on IE (PnP fails to register plugin in IE)
JDK-8017098   deploy          LSP: policy.jar should not be alowed to sign using self signed certificate
JDK-8017056   deploy          JDK-8014040 backport failed
JDK-8016529   deploy          javaws doesn't work on Linux x64 in 7u25 b30, b31
JDK-8015706   deploy          Better handling of sandboxed code
JDK-8015611   deploy          The 'T1.jnlp' can't be loaded
JDK-8015568   deploy          Reduce number of steps after clicking Update button
JDK-8014851   deploy          registerdeploy return false during patch in place
JDK-8014793   deploy          Unexpected behavior of TCK-jnlp tests
JDK-8014749   deploy          Extra unsigned app warning appears in multijar/multiwarning scenarios for JNLP applets.
JDK-8014701   deploy          unsigned sandbox dialog should not be displayed with running signed all-permission application
JDK-8014505   deploy          plugin1 is broken in 7u25 and 6u51 [regression]
JDK-8014353   deploy          Better sandbox dialogues
JDK-8014301   deploy          Change Security Warning Dialog text
JDK-8014295   deploy          Dynamic blacklisting is broken due to fix against 8013165 
JDK-8014192   deploy          On JCP "Automatic Update Advanced Settings" dialog, "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are truncated.
JDK-8014125   deploy          [macosx] Fix scheduled update checks
JDK-8014118   deploy          "Error: click for details" failed to appear in applet area under some scenarios
JDK-8014061   deploy          Application code fails to open .pack.gz files
JDK-8013994   deploy          Change wording on "insecure JRE" warning dialog
JDK-8013834   deploy          Hookup Dialog to Revocation Status
JDK-8013476   deploy          Better VM argument handling
JDK-8013410   deploy          Custom progress bar disappears since 7u25b03
JDK-8013244   deploy          Signed Expired or otherwise invalid are now Major Warning dialogs
JDK-8013165   deploy          provide build time flag to disable the "insecure jre" notification
JDK-8013051   deploy          The Installation Status Window  does not appear.
JDK-8012982   deploy          Some working scenarios stop working after fix of JDK-6924099.
JDK-8012899   deploy          [REGRESSION] Embeded Object tag does not work on FF/GC/Safari since 7u25-b06 due to fix of JDK-8011957.
JDK-8012898   deploy          [REGRESSION] In security warning dialog for ext jnlp in mixed code scenarios, The "Run" button became "Install" since 7u25-b06.
JDK-8012897   deploy          installation command line args to set security level to non-default are not honored.
JDK-8012693   deploy          Some SunINSMimeTypeAutoProxyHandlerTest unit tests fail
JDK-8012677   deploy          Deploy Junit test issue in javaws/preloader 
JDK-8012667   deploy          Unsigned app/applets should show red warning text, too at MEDIUM level.
JDK-8012654   deploy          JCP slider messages should be fixed as per behavior in 7u25
JDK-8012640   deploy          Security Warning dialogs should use "Location" instead of "From"
JDK-8012552   deploy          modify text on autoupdate option dialog from control panel
JDK-8012234   deploy          signature timestamp support doesn't work [webstart]
JDK-8012122   deploy          Copyright year still shows 2012. Fix # 8003707  is missing now
JDK-8012089   deploy          getSystemEventQueue throws unexpected exception [regression]
JDK-8011956   deploy          Improve stability of applet tags
JDK-8011782   deploy          Better handling of JNLP files
JDK-8011734   deploy          Behavior of Self signed apps requesting installed older versions of JRE should be changed
JDK-8011733   deploy          Self signed applications should be blocked if current JRE is expired and below the security baseline
JDK-8011727   deploy          Re-evaluate if Trusted Extension Dialog should be per-host and fix "More Information" link.
JDK-8011684   deploy          On native windows, javaws output are garbled.
JDK-8011351   deploy          Blocked dialog in expired case should not use the term jre
JDK-8011202   deploy          [ja,ko,zh_TW] duplicate mnemonic key in JCP Security tab.
JDK-8011188   deploy          Under very high security setting, error dialog for self-signed allperms applet is obscure
JDK-8011115   deploy          The Publisher in the Blocked Dialog is not correct when cert is expired and security level is VERY_HIGH.
JDK-8011091   deploy          Update Security Dialogs as per 7u21 Dialog Review
JDK-8011089   deploy          Update Blocked Dialog as per 7u21 Dialog Review
JDK-8011088   deploy          Update JCP as per 7u21 Dialog Review
JDK-8011045   deploy          empty directory c:\windows\sun\java\deployment\lib\trusted cause plugin fail to launch applet jvm
JDK-8011040   deploy          Publisher is not UNKNOWN for self signed sanbox warning dialog
JDK-8011029   deploy          [macosx] Java Dialog  is not set as active by default
JDK-8011017   deploy          Flow control changes for certificate revocation.
JDK-8011016   deploy          CertificateDialog changes for Revocation Checking
JDK-8011015   deploy          JCP changes for Certificate Revocation
JDK-8011012   deploy          create custom CertPathChecker for deploy to enable Revocation by default
JDK-8010781   deploy          Deployment system property-  deployment.jpi.mode.new has wrong value 
JDK-8010779   deploy          cannot launch browser applets via standalone javafx runtime and jre 6uX
JDK-8010762   deploy          remove incorrect 7u15 tags
JDK-8010740   deploy          Inconsistent behavior with mixed code scenario - signed sandbox extension is given all-permissioins - follow up on 8008480
JDK-8010705   deploy          Firefox will crash when loading fx application on Linux 
JDK-8010653   deploy          Applet class loader should handle redirect even better
JDK-8010425   deploy          Java Update: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
JDK-8010370   deploy          Inconsistent SSV behavior between JNLP application and applets under some scenarios
JDK-8010327   deploy          Applications can be launched using insecure JRE if the latest secure JRE is disabled without any warning
JDK-8010326   deploy          Native dialog is not shown with firefox/chrome is installed/latest JRE is below the security baseline
JDK-8010247   deploy          Certificate Revocation user experience enhancements
JDK-8010152   deploy          Better timestamp checking
JDK-8010018   deploy          Copyright year in Info.plist needs to the changed two 2013
JDK-8010014   deploy          Unable to execute javaws -uninstall 
JDK-8009901   deploy          Fix JDK-8003641 partially fails, 2 issues with IE browser
JDK-8009877   deploy          Enabled JRE in JCP is not given preference over the current JRE (if it is disabled in JCP)
JDK-8009857   deploy          Problem with plugin
JDK-8009846   deploy          String for always accept does not match meaning of always in signed sandbox security dialog.
JDK-8009832   deploy          Proxy problem accessing revocation server when revocation is enabled
JDK-8009673   deploy          Better XML parsing
JDK-8009603   deploy          cannot load jnlp applets with IE on windows
JDK-8009425   deploy          Self signed apps are not blocked when "Allow user to grant permissions to singed content" is unchecked
JDK-8009392   deploy          Implement Security Flow changes as per UE spec.
JDK-8009363   deploy          Missing ZeroMemory after CreateProcess fix (wsdetect.dll fails)
JDK-8009260   deploy          The Publisher of Signer CA showed in Sandbox Security Dialog is not correct.
JDK-8009231   deploy          Java Control Panel. Security level spinner is disabled on non-windows platforms
JDK-8009116   deploy          non-jnlp applet with blacklisted cert jar's warning dialog is different from jnlp applet's
JDK-8009104   deploy          RegisterDeploy.hasSystemConfigAccess return incorrect result if deploy system dir does not exist
JDK-8009103   deploy          Multiple applets used different VMs/session keystore and classloader caching issues with latest 7u21 nightly build
JDK-8008969   deploy          Wrong URL in javaws fromURL security warning dialog
JDK-8008960   deploy          if cert is blacklisted, launching sandbox signed app will show a misleading dialog
JDK-8008923   deploy          missing file changes from push of 8001062
JDK-8008805   deploy          check for updates of baseline and blacklist file daily
JDK-8008794   deploy          blacklisted.cert file can't be updated
JDK-8008709   deploy          SSV3Dialog Mnemonics not setup
JDK-8008563   deploy          Better processing of JNLP files
JDK-8008510   deploy          Location of the blocked local application is not listed in the dialog 
JDK-8008480   deploy          Inconsistent behavior with mixed code scenario - signed sandbox extension is given all-permissioins
JDK-8008427   deploy          There's no new sandboxed security warning dialog when an applet try to open a page who contains a new applet from a different host.
JDK-8008408   deploy          Order of dialog is different for jnlp and non-jnlp applets while running some SSV scenarios
JDK-8008377   deploy          https dialog: 'More information' is open below the main dialog on Linux
JDK-8008338   deploy          crash in npjp2.dll with Java SE 7 Update 10 & 13 
JDK-8007938   deploy          REGRESSION - false "Expired certificate" warning is back again
JDK-8007638   deploy          Security tab in Java Control Panel for 7u10 build 18 not localized completely
JDK-8007412   deploy          Improve plugin support
JDK-8007118   deploy          More reliable control panel operation
JDK-8007033   deploy          Low memory dialog popped up with DT flow 
JDK-8006577   deploy          Improve applet security context
JDK-8006029   deploy          deployment.properties file is created ONLY when the dir "C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment" exists
JDK-8005313   deploy          Augment applet contextualization
JDK-8003641   deploy          Improve stability of DeployToolkit
JDK-8002343   deploy          Native dialog A is not shown when current JRE is below the security baseline while running applets
JDK-8001167   deploy          Localize local applets
JDK-8001062   deploy          Improve applet relaunch
JDK-8000637   deploy          Limit applet access
JDK-7188177   deploy          Update access check
JDK-7181300   deploy          SecurityManagerHelper.printDialog need to save checkbox status
JDK-7173673   deploy          Remove the Per-Applet/Global Packages, java and netscape Keyword support
JDK-7127486   deploy          Better deployment of JNLP and applets
JDK-7020458   deploy          Improve Liveconnect
JDK-6924099   deploy          Improve handling of mixed code
JDK-8021219   docs            DRS doc error
JDK-8021008   docs            Provide java and jcmd man pages for Mac (OpenJDK)
JDK-8020759   docs            Copyright for closed nroff man pages should not include GPL text
JDK-8019426   docs            Local Security Policy: Documentation must state that the feature is for internal use only.
JDK-8016768   docs            Provide man pages generated from DARB for OracleJDK
JDK-8016767   docs            Provide man pages generated from DARB for OpenJDK
JDK-8006743   docs            Need to document a Linux Kernel bug that causes JVM crashes when running with -XX:+UseNUMA
JDK-8017085   embedded        Passing args from jvm to native failed on ARMHF
JDK-8016460   embedded        PPC: assert(false) failed: invalid bci or invalid scope desc
JDK-8014416   embedded        embedded: ppc,armhf VM crash on a lots of tests
JDK-8012144   embedded        multiple SIGSEGVs fails on staxf
JDK-8011569   embedded        ARM: avoid native stack walking
JDK-8011064   embedded        Some tests have failed with SIGSEGV on arm-hflt on build b82
JDK-8020746   globalization   Remove GNU license from Japanese man pages in closedjdk repository
JDK-8020738   globalization   Message update for JDK-8020160 LSP: rename LocalSecurityPolicy (LSP) to DeploymentRuleSet (DRS) 
JDK-8020319   globalization   Update Japanese man pages for 7u40
JDK-8014015   globalization   7u25 l10n resource file translation update
JDK-8011193   globalization   l10n of 7u21 dialog changes
JDK-8008763   globalization   7u21 l10n resource file translation update
JDK-8021353   hotspot         Event based tracing is missing thread exit
JDK-8021123   hotspot         JFR has a memory leak regarding ThreadLocalTraceBuffers
JDK-8020987   hotspot         SIGSEGV on mac, Problematic frame: # V  [libjvm.dylib+0x2dc75b]  JfrBuffers::flush
JDK-8020796   hotspot         new hotspot build - hs24-b55
JDK-8020709   hotspot         Add TestSocketChannelEvents and TestSocketEvents to ProblemList
JDK-8020701   hotspot         Avoid crashes in WatcherThread
JDK-8020547   hotspot         Event based tracing needs a UNICODE string type
JDK-8020525   hotspot         Increment build # of hs23.25 to b03 for 7u25-b34 psu
JDK-8020441   hotspot         Enable test for 'Method Profiling Sample' event
JDK-8020433   hotspot         Crash when using -XX:+RestoreMXCSROnJNICalls
JDK-8020425   hotspot         Product options incorrectly removed in minor version
JDK-8020381   hotspot         new hotspot build - hs24-b54
JDK-8020367   hotspot         Cannot get default presets from FlightRecorderMBean
JDK-8020215   hotspot         Different execution plan when using JIT vs interpreter
JDK-8020155   hotspot         G1: PSR:PERF G1 not collecting old regions when humongous allocations interfer
JDK-8020119   hotspot         Remove TestCheckpointTime
JDK-8019967   hotspot         Write regression test for 8004811
JDK-8019933   hotspot         new hotspot build - hs24-b53
JDK-8019921   hotspot         No CPULoad-events when recording a GlassFish instance
JDK-8019914   hotspot         exclude jdk/src/closed/share/classes/jdk/internal from licensee source bundles
JDK-8019709   hotspot         JFR Thread Dumps cannot be larger than 65535 chars - truncates
JDK-8019625   hotspot         Test compiler/8005956/PolynomialRoot.java timeouts on Solaris SPARCs
JDK-8019559   hotspot         NPE in TestGCWithFasttime.java on Linux-ia32
JDK-8019403   hotspot         closed/com/oracle/jfr/runtime/TestExceptionEvents.jtr: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.io.File$TempDirectory
JDK-8019245   hotspot         Inconsistencies in the jfc-files.
JDK-8019230   hotspot         Remove TestJavaThreadStatisticsEvent from ProblemList.txt
JDK-8017588   hotspot         SA: jstack -l throws UnalignedAddressException while attaching to core file for java that was started with CMS GC
JDK-8017485   hotspot         TestGCCauseWithSystemGC might get wrong GC events
JDK-8017484   hotspot         TestHeapSummaryEventConcurrentCMS gets concurrent CMS GC events
JDK-8017476   hotspot         Only internal JFR code should be able to use VMJFR#redefineClass
JDK-8016879   hotspot         The object allocation event(s) create huge amount of data when enabled
JDK-8016585   hotspot         Null method in JFR stack trace
JDK-8016509   hotspot         TestJavaThreadStatistics assumes one event per chunk
JDK-8016330   hotspot         Minor issues in JFR event metadata
JDK-8016131   hotspot         nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/chain tests crash the VM in 'entry_frame_is_first()'
JDK-8016102   hotspot         Increment build # of hs23.25 to b02 for 7u25-b31 psu
JDK-8016074   hotspot         NMT: assertion failed: assert(thread->thread_state() == from) failed: coming from wrong thread state
JDK-8015884   hotspot         runThese crashed with SIGSEGV, hs_err has an error instead of stacktrace
JDK-8015863   hotspot         closed/com/oracle/jfr/runtime/TestThreadAllocationEvent.java: java.io.FileNotFoundException:No chunks
JDK-8015801   hotspot         Kitchensink crashed with Internal Error (diagnosticArgument.cpp:144) fatal error: Default string must be parsable
JDK-8015683   hotspot         object_count_after_gc should have the same timestamp for all events
JDK-8015682   hotspot         object_count-event should have gcId
JDK-8015576   hotspot         CMS: svc agent throws java.lang.RuntimeException: No type named "FreeList" in database
JDK-8015433   hotspot         TestJcmdStartWithOptions.java interrupted on Solaris-sparc (Timeout?)
JDK-8015411   hotspot         Bump the hsx build number for 7u21-b50 for customer
JDK-8014611   hotspot         reserve_and_align() assumptions are invalid on windows
JDK-8014312   hotspot         Fork hs23.25 hsx from hs23.21 for jdk7u25 and reinitialize build number
JDK-8013719   hotspot         Increment build # of hs23.21 to b02
JDK-8013210   hotspot         Need test to cover JDK-7158805
JDK-8012241   hotspot         NMT huge memory footprint, it usually leads to OOME
JDK-8011760   hotspot         assert(delta != 0) failed: dup pointer in MemBaseline::malloc_sort_by_addr
JDK-8010437   hotspot         guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset
JDK-8009699   hotspot         Better resolution of classes
JDK-8007898   hotspot         Incorrect optimization of Memory Barriers in Matcher::post_store_load_barrier()
JDK-8006309   hotspot         More reliable control panel operation
JDK-8001425   hotspot         G1: Change the default values for certain G1 specific flags
JDK-8001424   hotspot         G1: Rename certain G1-specific flags
JDK-7193157   hotspot         G1: Make some develpflags available in product builds
JDK-7162955   hotspot         Attach api on Solaris, too many open files
JDK-7162400   hotspot         Intermittent java.io.IOException: Bad file number during HotSpotVirtualMachine.executeCommand
JDK-7158805   hotspot         Better handling of bytecodes
JDK-7146246   hotspot         G1: expose some of the -XX flags that drive which old regions to collect during mixed GCs
JDK-7107135   hotspot         Stack guard pages are no more protected after loading a shared library with executable stack
JDK-6725714   hotspot         par compact - add a table to speed up bitmap searches
JDK-8014850   infrastructure  [7u40b25-NC] THIRDPARTY License readme updates
JDK-8012366   infrastructure  Fix for 8007815 breaks down when only building OpenJDK (without deploy and install forests)
JDK-8011806   infrastructure  7u25-b05 hotspot fastdebug build failure
JDK-8011572   infrastructure  server-jre*tar.gz file naming should be done in makefiles
JDK-8020949   install         [macosx] Verify Page opens at the end of JDK GUI installation
JDK-8020420   install         Sanity check may fail for hardcoded RE location in Mac signing
JDK-8017501   install         we need to improve our deploy.dll,RegisterDeploy() registration
JDK-8017119   install         AU doesn't work if there are  over 60 mapping entries before current version.
JDK-8016223   install         File type for jfr file should be "Java Flight Recorder File" instead of "JRockit Flight Recorder File"
JDK-8014237   install         Browser launching method in WrapperUtils.cpp needs improvement
JDK-8011723   install         Fix the Mac AU flow 
JDK-8009319   install         Update information link in the Windows Control Panel entry for Java still points to java.sun.com
JDK-8007045   install         Mac Installer should invoke verify page after install completes
JDK-8005062   install         AU from 6u34 reports Java Update Available - No product information.
JDK-8004736   install         java_sp.dll error message disaplyed for ANY download/validation failure
JDK-8017566   other-libs      Backout 8000450 - Cannot access to com.sun.corba.se.impl.orb.ORBImpl
JDK-8015987   other-libs      The corba repo contains unneeded .sjava files
JDK-8022197   security-libs   Intermittent test failures in closed/sun/security/provider/certpath
JDK-8021323   security-libs   closed/sun/security/ssl/sanity/pluggability/CheckURLs.java failed with time out
JDK-8020940   security-libs   Valid OCSP responses are rejected for backdated enquiries
JDK-8019854   security-libs   lib/security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java should be removed from problem list
JDK-8017173   security-libs   XMLCipher with RSA_OAEP Key Transport algorithm can't be instantiated
JDK-8014805   security-libs   NPE is thrown during certpath validation if certificate does not have AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension
JDK-8014618   security-libs   Need to strip leading zeros in TlsPremasterSecret of DHKeyAgreement
JDK-8011896   security-libs   Add check for invalid offset for new AccessControlContext isAuthorized field
JDK-8001330   security-libs   Improve on checking order
JDK-7165807   security-libs   Non optimized initialization of NSS crypto library leads to scalability issues
JDK-8021148   xml             Regression in SAXParserImpl in 7u40 b34 (NPE)
JDK-8020430   xml             NullPointerException in xml sqe nightly result on 2013-07-12
JDK-8016648   xml             FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown
JDK-8009579   xml             Xpathexception does not honor initcause()

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