[7u] review and approval request for 8007515: update RMI tests on ProblemList.txt

Darryl Mocek darryl.mocek at oracle.com
Tue Feb 12 11:13:30 PST 2013

Seems to me we need an Oracle equivalent.  Is there already one for 
jtreg or JDK tests in general?  Not a huge priority, but we should get 
rid of the sun.com email addresses when an easy opportunity arises.


On 02/11/2013 06:06 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> Arrgh, ya caught me! :-) I was aware of this issue but I wanted to 
> leave it out of this discussion since it's a potential distraction.
> No, jdk-regtest at sun.com (mentioned in the TEST.ROOT file) is not a 
> valid email address. At least, it bounced when I tried to send 
> something to it.
> I did have a sidebar discussion on this with Jon Gibbons and Alan B 
> recently but we didn't come to a conclusion as to what it should be 
> replaced with.
> This one actually seems like a separate bug, since it needs to be 
> changed in 8 (and backported to 7u) instead of just an adjustment to 
> 7u to match 8.
> s'marks
> On 2/11/13 3:15 PM, Darryl Mocek wrote:
>> Stuart,
>>     is jdk-regtest at sun.com still a valid email address?
>> Darryl
>> On 02/11/2013 03:02 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>> On 2/9/13 7:49 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>> On 09/02/2013 00:51, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>>>> A simple request for code review *and* integration approval for 
>>>>> the following
>>>>> bugfix:
>>>>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8007515
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8007515/webrev.0/
>>>>> Now that all the RMI test fixes have been backported, this 
>>>>> reconciles the
>>>>> ProblemList.txt file between jdk8 and jdk7u so that the same RMI 
>>>>> tests are
>>>>> excluded on each release. This ends up removing a few dozen RMI 
>>>>> tests from
>>>>> the jdk7u problem list, leaving just four.
>>>> This looks fine to me. While you are there, would you mind adding 
>>>> the RMI
>>>> directories to the othervm.dirs and exclusiveAccess.dirs list in 
>>>> That way folks can run jtreg -agentvm without needing to 
>>>> special-case the RMI
>>>> tests. I actually think we should just copy TEST.ROOT from jdk8 to 
>>>> jdk7u-dev
>>>> but that could be another bug as it is not specific to RMI.
>>> I thought about dealing with TEST.ROOT in a separate bug but that 
>>> just seems
>>> like busy-work. Updating the problem list is at least as much about 
>>> making
>>> sure that the testing configurations between jdk8 and jdk7u are brought
>>> closer together as much as it is about RMI, so updating TEST.ROOT is 
>>> part of
>>> that.
>>> I've refreshed jdk7u's TEST.ROOT from jdk8's and adjusted the bug 
>>> accordingly.
>>> Here's the webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8007515/webrev.1/
>>> s'marks

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