Source Bundles

Simone Bordet sbordet at
Tue Jan 22 06:04:10 PST 2013


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Dalibor Topic <dalibor.topic at> wrote:
> On 1/21/13 11:50 PM, Simone Bordet wrote:
>> 2) what is the correct way to get the sources for a specific
>> "official" JDK release ?
> Assuming you're looking to get the sources for Oracle JDK, the
> source code for Oracle JDK 7u releases is not publicly available.

I know.

What I mean is that for an Oracle JDK 7u<x>-b<y> I would like the
OpenJDK sources with the same x and y, assuming that Oracle JDK's is
based on those sources.

Do you know if this latest assumption is true, for what pertains
*.java files (in all packages) ?
Or the numbers of Oracle's JDK are unrelated to OpenJDK's ?

Simone Bordet
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