Review request for JDK-8016767: Provide man pages generated from DARB for OpenJDK

alexey zhebel alexey.zhebel at
Fri Jul 19 00:24:03 PDT 2013

Hi Dalibor!

We will not make small fixes to the 7u40 man pages. We value any 
feedback, but unless it's a showstopper, we defer it to a later release.

Best regards,
Alexey Zhebel

On 18.07.2013 18:32, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On 7/18/13 4:10 PM, alexey zhebel wrote:
>>> What's the reason for that change?
>> There was some confusion in terminology, but according to /java -version/, it was correct in the first place. This will be fixed in the man pages for JDK 8. So will the typo below.
> OK, thanks. Just to be clear - does that mean you'll regenerate the 7u40 webrev to include those changes?
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

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