Review request for JDK-8021008: Provide java and jcmd man pages for Mac (OpenJDK)

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Mon Jul 22 19:22:07 PDT 2013

OK, it looks like these files are identical to the Linux and Solaris versions. 


On 7/22/13 11:22 AM, alexey zhebel wrote:
> Hi Mikael, Joe, Stuart, and everyone on the jdk7u-dev list!
> You have already seen these changes recently, so it should be a quick review.
> It turns out that we are also expected to provide the man pages for the Mac
> bundle. I used the same nroff files that we already had reviewed for Solaris
> and Linux, and put them into the bsd directory. Please review them and provide
> your feedback.
> Here is the webrev:
> Here is the bug I opened for this:

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