[7u40] Request for approval for CR 7151823: The test incorrectly recognizing OS

Anton Litvinov anton.litvinov at oracle.com
Tue Jun 4 01:41:58 PDT 2013


I would like to request for approval to push a backport of the fix for 
JDK 8 into jdk7u-dev repository. The fix for JDK 7 is identical to the 
fix for JDK 8, which is already integrated into jdk8 repository.

Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7151823
JDK 8 changeset: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/awt/jdk/rev/43f82f573c01
JDK 8 review thread: 
Reviewers: Sergey Bylokhov, Alexander Potochkin

Thank you,

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