[7u] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs24-b49

Alejandro E Murillo alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
Thu Jun 13 17:20:58 PDT 2013

Requesting approval to integrate hs24-b49 into jdk7u40-b30.

A webrev is available at:


Pre-integration testing is in progress; the integration will proceed
only after SQE has analyzed the results and approved.

The fixes in the proposed integration are below.  All have undergone
nightly testing and are already in a jdk8 repository.

7186737: Unable to allocate bit maps or card tables for parallel gc for the requested heap
8013057: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: only read at safepoint
8013651: NMT: reserve/release sequence id's in incorrect order due to race
8013917: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV in BaselineReporter::diff_callsites
8015683: object_count_after_gc should have the same timestamp for all events
8015972: Refactor the sending of the object count after GC event
8016065: Write regression test for 7167142
8016077: new hotspot build - hs24-b49
8016170: GC id variable in gcTrace.cpp should use typedef GCId
8016187: assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x && x < ( 1 << nbits-1))) failed: value out of range


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