Review request: New man page files

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Tue Jun 25 07:51:54 PDT 2013

On 6/18/13 9:49 AM, alexey zhebel wrote:
> We are moving to a new process for generating man pages. I checked in the two that changed for 7u40 (java and jcmd):
> Please review.
I took a quick look at the pages as well with a focus outside the already thoroughly discussed part. 

There is a new issue with this proposed change that didn't exist before - it introduces spurious line feeds that weren't 
there before, causing 

$ groff -w all -man java.1 >/dev/null
java.1:9: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:10: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:11: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:12: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:13: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:14: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:15: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:16: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:17: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:18: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:19: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:20: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:21: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:22: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:23: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:24: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:25: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:26: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:27: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:28: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:29: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:32: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:33: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:34: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:35: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:36: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:37: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:38: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:39: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:40: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:41: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:42: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:43: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:44: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:45: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:46: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:47: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:48: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:49: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:50: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:607: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:608: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:609: warning: invalid input character code 13
java.1:610: warning: invalid input character code 13

and similar for the other files, which wasn't the case for the version being patched, as far as I can tell,
and makes the proposed changes harder to read. Please ensure that when you regenerate the change and propose it for 
another round of review you follow the existing Unix-y EOL convention.

The updated SEE ALSO sections seem different from the previous version - the extra '[Solaris and Linux][Windows]' text 
there seems unnecessary.

Since the bug report you're proposing the change for is rather blank [0], it would also be nice to see in the follow 
up review request an at least superficial description of the changes beside spurious reformatting so that reviewers 
have some sense what to expect and look for in the 126676 bytes of the proposed patch. I have seen that there are 
some content changes, but I have no way of telling from your request and the bug if those are intentional, or not.

dalibor topic

Oracle <>
Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961 <tel:+491737185961>
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