CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mikhail Cherkasov

alexander potochkin alexander.potochkin at
Tue Oct 15 14:03:02 PDT 2013

Hello Alan

> On 14/10/2013 23:19, alexander potochkin wrote:
>> I kindly ask you to revise you veto and support Mikhail
> I'm sorry, but I cannot support this nomination at this time.  I 
> completely agree that it can take a huge effort to arrive at a 
> one-line fix, we've all been there. It's just that the totality of the 
> changes cited in support of this nomination are not (in my view) 
> sufficient to justify committer role at this time.
> I have no doubt that Mikhail is going great work and I would be happy 
> to support a future nomination once he has built up more significant 
> contributions to the project.

I've read the thread over again and I think we can come back
with additional fixes that will add to the contributions from Mikhail.
He has additional fixes in progress and so I will resend the nomination when those fixes get integrated.


> -Alan.

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