[7u communication] Plans for delivery of critical 7u fixes into CPU releases

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 01:51:55 PDT 2013

Il giorno 17/ott/2013, alle ore 18:41, Phil Race <philip.race at oracle.com> ha scritto:

> I think I can see Mario's point/confusion.
> The CPU-critical-request keyword is really just about what you'd like to see in Oracle's
> next binary product release and isn't needed for OpenJDK since the fix is likely already
> sitting in 7u-dev and just has to be pulled into the CPU binary release. OpenJDK doesn't
> do binary releases, and anyone who wants to create a binary release based on OpenJDK 7
> sources can do so any time they like based off 7u-dev without caring about Oracle
> processes or releases.
> So it comes down to whether external OpenJDK developers care what fixes Oracle
> cares to take in its CPU releases besides security issues.
> I think that at this point in time the basis for Oracle's next 7 CPU releases is 7u40 + selected fixes,
> not 7u-dev + selected fixes. And prior to 7u40 GA it was something like 7u10 + selected fixes ..
> I'm not sure on that as I've lost track of when 7u-dev has been synced with the CPU train.
> But I can also see that distros would generally want to align their releases to Oracle's binary
> product releases. And that's particularly so when security releases come out. I'm not
> sure if they already do (or want to) follow Oracle's basing them off the last non-CPU release.
> But if they base it off 7u-dev then they'll be getting some what more 'ahead' of Oracle's releases
> in overall bug fixing at the risk of more regressions  until SQE ramps up testing for 7u60.

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the explanation, this is all clear now!


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