[7u] problem with jdk test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SendToUnresolved.java

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Oct 28 00:57:14 PDT 2013

On 28/10/2013 04:10, Francis ANDRE wrote:
> Hi
> On my WXP/Cygwin/VS2010 platform, this jdk test 
> java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SendToUnresolved.java fails because the
> TestUtil.UNRESOLVABLE_HOST which is the string 
> "blah-blah.blah-blah.blah" gets resolved to 
> blah-blah.blah-blah.blah/
> So, I am wondering why blah-blah.blah-blah.blah gets resolved. What 
> should be the corrective action: ignoring this test?
> Francis
In your other mail then you proposed a patch to 
test/java/net/URL/OpenStream.java as it is resolving foo.bar.baz when 
the test doesn't expect it. So it's hard to say, it suggests maybe 
something in the Windows configuration. Do you know if all unknown hosts 
are resolving to this address on this system?


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