CFV: New JDK7u Committer: Mikhail Cherkasov

Alexander Potochkin alexander.potochkin at
Mon Sep 16 08:23:33 PDT 2013

Vote : Veto

It turned out that a couple of commits from Mikhail are duplicated under 
different revisions number
(any ideas why it happens?)

changeset:   6492:7b0b6375576a
user:        mcherkas
date:        Fri Jan 18 18:50:00 2013 +0400
summary:     8005019: JTable passes row index instead of length when inserts selection interval

changeset:   5648:c6d277753ec2
user:        mcherkas
date:        Fri Jan 18 18:50:00 2013 +0400
summary:     8005019: JTable passes row index instead of length when inserts selection interval

changeset:   6382:2dc2b6b34b00
user:        mcherkas
date:        Tue Feb 12 16:11:40 2013 +0400
summary:     8005932: Java 7 on mac os x only provides text clipboard formats

changeset:   5750:6707e6b768ee
user:        mcherkas
date:        Tue Feb 12 16:11:40 2013 +0400
summary:     8005932: Java 7 on mac os x only provides text clipboard formats

We both relied on the following search page
and missed the duplicated commits

Sorry for the premature nomination


On 9/13/2013 9:02 PM, Alexander Potochkin wrote:
> I hereby nominate Mikhail Cherkasov to jdk7u Committer.
> Mikhail has been a member of the Java SE sustaining team for more than 
> a year now and already made enough contributions to get the committer 
> status for the JDK8 project.
> Mikhail has spent most of that time working on the client JDK issues.
> He has contributed several changes to jdk7u so far:
> Votes are due by Sep 27, 2013.
> Only current JDK7u Committers [1] are eligible to vote on this
> nomination.
> For Lazy Consensus voting instructions, see [2].
> Thanks,
> alexp
> [1]
> [2]

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