[7u communication] Update to JDK 7u ground rules

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Thu Apr 10 17:57:53 UTC 2014

Given that we now have JDK 9 forests open and also have the JDK 8 
Updates forests, the JDK 7u ground rules [1] need some slight tweaking 
to describe how a fix should always be fixed first in JDK 9, then 8u and 
then 7u when necessary. Exceptions apply as per usual (rule 1).

I'd like to propose the changes pasted below. If I hear no objections 
before next Wednesday, 16th April - I'll make the update.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html

diff --git a/src/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html 
--- a/src/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html
+++ b/src/projects/jdk7u/groundrules.html
@@ -14,9 +14,13 @@
              prior to approval to allow for public feedback. Project 
Lead is
              Dalibor Topic, Technical Lead is Edvard Wendelin.</p>
          <h2>Rule 1</h2>
-        <p>All changes that are not specific to JDK 7 Update MUST go 
into JDK 8
-            first. As a special exception, a change MAY go into JDK 7 
Update if
-            it is at the same time also proposed for inclusion into JDK 
+        <p>Any change that is not specific to JDK 7 Update MUST go into
+            the JDK feature release code line first. The change MUST then
+            be backported to the different JDK Updates forests starting 
+            the latest family version first. As a special exception, a 
+            MAY go into the JDK 7 Update forest if sufficient reasons are
+            given for not forward porting it or if forward port planning is
+            already in progress.</p>
          <h2>Rule 2</h2>
          <p>The always open mainline JDK 7 Update forest is maintained 
by the
              Project Lead. Exceptions to that are e.g. specific release
@@ -35,8 +39,8 @@
              of the approval request a URL for the public code review 
          <h2>Rule 5</h2>
-        <p>A maintainer for a forest MAY pre-approve changes undergoing 
-            review for JDK 8 for commit to their forest in JDK 7 
+        <p>A maintainer for a forest MAY pre-approve JDK 7 Update 
changes undergoing
+            code review for a later JDK release family version.
          <h2>Rule 6</h2>
          <p>A maintainer for a forest MAY request additional reviews 
for changes
              to be performed before it is approved for their forest.</p>

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