jdk7u-b04: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Dec 1 19:37:13 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8061954   client-libs     7u76 - deployment security warning dialogs do not work on Linux
JDK-8062021   client-libs     NPE in sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow::toFront after JDK-8060146
JDK-8001633   client-libs     Wrong alt processing during switching between windows.
JDK-8047340   core-libs       (process) Runtime.exec() fails in Turkish locale
JDK-8064560   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2014j
JDK-8064667   core-libs       Add -XX:+CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs flag to JDK 8
JDK-8050983   core-libs       Misplaced parentheses in sun.net.www.http.HttpClient break HTTP PUT streaming
JDK-8064391   core-libs       More thread safety problems in core reflection
JDK-8062276   core-libs       Rhino script engine incorrectly removes RLM mark from javascript string
JDK-8065377   core-libs       [TEST_BUG] test/closed/java/util/Calendar tests failures with 2014j tzdata  
JDK-8048089   deploy          ClientConfig.refreshIfNeeded() doesn't restore properties with "active." prefix.
JDK-8065203   deploy          Deployment regression tests do not work on jdk7
JDK-8050838   deploy          JRE Install Error in localized Windows 8.1 after join in AD domain
JDK-8062392   deploy          Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException
JDK-8065415   deploy          Remove SSLv3 protocol from JCP options.
JDK-8037795   deploy          SSV update manifest file should be signed for integrity protection
JDK-8011182   deploy          Unable to enable the last jre remaining on the system 
JDK-8059216   hotspot         Make PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime print information about stopping threads
JDK-6976528   hotspot         PS: assert(!limit_exceeded || softrefs_clear) failed: Should have been cleared
JDK-8058583   hotspot         Remove CompilationRepeat
JDK-8046289   hotspot         compiler/6340864/TestLongVect.java timeout with 
JDK-8058715   hotspot         stability issues when being launched as an embedded JVM via JNI
JDK-8043388   install         When installing JRE 8 or JRE 7 on Japanese Windows 8, Oracle Logo does not  display completely in set-up screen.  .
JDK-8056301   install         jqs.exe files-in-use on Win XP for 7uX AU
JDK-8056026   security-libs   Debug security logging should print Provider used for each crypto operation
JDK-8013485   tools           javac can't handle annotations with a <clinit> from a previous compilation unit
JDK-8062608   xml             BCEL corrupts debug data of methods that use generics
JDK-8064516   xml             BCEL still corrupts generic methods if bytecode offsets are modified
JDK-8059327   xml             XML parser returns corrupt attribute value

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