[7u60] Request for approval for 8017498: JVM crashes when native code calls sigaction(sig) where sig>=0x20

Chan, Sunny Sunny.Chan at gs.com
Wed Jan 1 18:25:57 PST 2014

Hi all,

This is a request to backport a jdk8 fix into jdk7u60, along with subsequent changes to the regression tests:

8017498 : JVM crashes when native code calls sigaction(sig) where sig>=0x20

The current jsig implementation is unable to deal with sigaction request if signumber is > 32. The patch modifies the signal handler so that signal > 32, which is not used in the JVM, to ignore and install the handler request directly.

This fix is already included in jdk8's hotspot as:

The discussion thread for Java 8 can be found here:

Notice that current the regression tests that Calvin has provided has a few issues and this has been fixed in the following subsequent updates:

Bug fix 1 (native code failed to compile on some platform, 8020791):

Bug fix 2 (failed to find gcc, 8021296):

I have verified that if you applied the original bug fix and then subsequent testbug fix to the JDK 7 branch, it applies cleanly and resolved the issues.


Sunny Chan, Executive Director, Technology
Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. | 68th Floor | Cheung Kong Center | 2 Queens Road Central | Hong Kong
email:  sunny.chan at gs.com | Tel: +852 2978 6481 | Fax: +852 2978 0633

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