[7u60] Request for approval for bulk integration of hs24.60-b07

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at oracle.com
Fri Jan 17 03:00:44 PST 2014

Thanks, Alejandro - approved!

dalibor topic

On 17.01.2014 02:59, Alejandro E Murillo wrote:
> Requesting approval to integrate hs24.60-b07 into jdk7u60-b04.
> A webrev is available at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amurillo/7u60/hs24.60-b07-jdk7u60-b04.webrev/
> Pre-integration testing is in progress; the integration will proceed
> only after SQE has analyzed the results and approved.
> The fixes in the proposed integration are below.  All have undergone
> nightly testing and are already in a jdk8 repository.
> 8017498: JVM crashes when native code calls sigaction(sig) where sig>=0x20
> 8020791: [TESTBUG] runtime/jsig/Test8017498.sh failed to compile native
> code
> 8021296: [TESTBUG] Test8017498.sh fails to find "gcc" and fails to
> compile on some Linux releases
> 8031061: new hotspot build - hs24.60-b07

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