hg: jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk: 3 new changesets

sean.coffey at oracle.com sean.coffey at oracle.com
Wed Jul 2 12:03:51 UTC 2014

Changeset: 1da767aa71b7
Author:    dfuchs
Date:      2014-07-01 14:20 +0100
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk/rev/1da767aa71b7

8030192: TESTFAIL: java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java failed with NPE
Summary: This is a test bug - loggers held in local variables can be arbitrarily gc'ed if that variable is no longer used. The fix makes sure that the loggers won't be arbitrarily gc'ed before the test is complete.
Reviewed-by: mchung

! test/java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java

Changeset: b17d22daeb60
Author:    dfuchs
Date:      2014-07-01 14:56 +0100
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk/rev/b17d22daeb60

8031068: java/util/logging/ParentLoggersTest.java: checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers
Summary: The test was not keeping any strong reference on the loggers it created allowing for them to be garbage collected too early.
Reviewed-by: mchung, chegar

! test/java/util/logging/ParentLoggersTest.java

Changeset: 78c8ed952f6d
Author:    coffeys
Date:      2014-07-02 13:01 +0100
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u-dev/jdk/rev/78c8ed952f6d


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