jdk7u-b01: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Jun 9 18:59:41 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8028617   client-libs     Dvorak keyboard mapping not honored when ctrl key pressed
JDK-8032788   client-libs     ImageIcon constructor throws an NPE and hangs when passed a null String parameter 
JDK-8042672   client-libs     JAB throw NPE when trying to do reference increment on a NULL object
JDK-8041725   client-libs     Nimbus JList selection colors persist across L&F changes
JDK-7172865   client-libs     PropertyDescriptor fails to work with setter method name if setter is non-void
JDK-7160604   client-libs     Using non-opaque windows - popups are initially not painted correctly
JDK-7100952   client-libs     closed/javax/swing/JComboBox/6246463/bug6246463.java deadlocks on MacOS
JDK-8038000   client-libs     java.awt.image.RasterFormatException: Incorrect scanline stride
JDK-8043012   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2014c
JDK-8042857   core-libs       14 stuck threads waiting for notification on LDAPRequest
JDK-7153157   core-libs       ClassValue.get does not return if computeValue calls remove
JDK-8037945   core-libs       Paths.get("").normalize() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
JDK-8041451   core-libs       com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection:ReadTimeout should abandon ldap request
JDK-8043097   deploy          Misspelling of property name within RevocationChecker.java
JDK-8043229   deploy          NPE in sun.lwawt.macosx.CEmbeddedFrame.getLayerPtr during applet startup
JDK-8026839   deploy          On macos, mixed code native dialog is not a AXWindow
JDK-8042907   deploy          Regression: Testcase for 8032206 fails with 9 b08 and 8u20 b09
JDK-8040786   deploy          Text is truncated in JavaScript to Java security warning dialog on OS X
JDK-8043207   hotspot         Add const to Address argument for Assembler::swap
JDK-8022070   hotspot         Compilation error in stubGenerator_sparc.cpp with some compilers
JDK-8039042   hotspot         G1: Phantom zeros in cardtable
JDK-8043205   hotspot         Incorrect system traps.h include path
JDK-8038925   hotspot         Java with G1 crashes in dump_instance_fields using jmap or jcmd without  fullgc
JDK-8043209   hotspot         Make trace implementation conditional on INCLUDE_TRACE
JDK-8042059   hotspot         Various fixes to linux/sparc
JDK-8043210   infrastructure  Add _BIG_ENDIAN define on linux/sparc
JDK-8027686   install         Fail to install on MacOS 10.10
JDK-7047033   security-libs   (smartcardio) Card.disconnect(boolean reset) does not reset when reset is true
JDK-8039319   security-libs   (smartcardio) Card.transmitControlCommand() does not work on Mac OS X
JDK-8043720   security-libs   (smartcardio) Native memory should be handled more accurately
JDK-8043507   security-libs   (smartcardio) javax.smartcardio.CardTerminals.list() fails on MacOSX
JDK-8028627   security-libs   Unsynchronized code path from javax.crypto.Cipher to the WeakHashMap used by JceSecurity to store codebase mappings
JDK-8028192   security-libs   Use of PKCS11-NSS provider in FIPS mode broken
JDK-8039118   security-libs   Windows build failure (j2pcsc.dll : fatal error unresolved external symbol throwByName)
JDK-8033571   security-libs   [parfait] warning from b128 for security/smartcardio/pcsc_md.c: JNI exception pending 
JDK-8030114   security-libs   [parfait] warnings from b119 for jdk.src.share.native.sun.security.smartcardio: JNI exception pending
JDK-7195480   security-libs   javax.smartcardio does not detect cards on Mac OS X

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