jdk7u-b01: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri May 16 23:42:48 UTC 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8013043   client-libs      [JavaSecurityScanner] review package com.sun.java.accessibility.* Some public native methods in  classes of package should be private.
JDK-8041669   client-libs     Add lint check fixes to Java Access Bridge files
JDK-8036861   client-libs     Application can't be loaded fine,the save dialog can't show up.
JDK-8036819   client-libs     JAB: mneumonics not read for textboxes
JDK-8032444   client-libs     Java Access Bridge - DeleteGlobalRef fails when Java is run with Xcheck:jni
JDK-8032843   client-libs     Java Access Bridge - Missing exception check on JNI upcall
JDK-8033003   client-libs     Java Access Bridge - too many publics
JDK-8041507   client-libs     Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
JDK-8037477   client-libs     Reproducible hang of JAWS and webstart application with JAB 2.0.4
JDK-8024932   client-libs     [macosx] javax/swing/text/StyledEditorKit/8016833/bug8016833.java failed 
JDK-8036130   client-libs     [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/closed/windows/native/sun/bridge/AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints.cpp
JDK-8036129   client-libs     [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/closed/windows/native/sun/bridge/JavaAccessBridge.cpp
JDK-7130140   client-libs     using horizontal scroll button on mouse causes a message to be printed on stdout
JDK-8038306   core-libs       (tz) Support tzdata2014b
JDK-8025710   core-libs       Proxied HTTPS connections reused by HttpClient can send CONNECT to the server
JDK-8041931   core-libs       test/sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/B8025710.java fails with cannot find keystore
JDK-8041681   deploy          "certificate" misspelled as "certertificate" in DRS/RuleId.java
JDK-8042039   deploy          Issue JDK-8017204 returns back in 7u60
JDK-8033960   docs            Clarify in PolicyFiles guide, which is the new default behaviour of 7u45 and 6u65 when using multiple policy.url.n=URL (n>2)
JDK-8035373   docs            Deployment Rule Set examples should provide a message
JDK-8033724   docs            Fold JMC 5.3 documentation into 7u60
JDK-8033910   docs            Java.policy grant signedby, codebase has been retired with 7u21
JDK-8041534   docs            Please do not document deployment.security.use.user.home.java.policy
JDK-8030753   docs            Update JCE documentation to encourage caution when using ECB
JDK-8034069   docs            java ignores deployment.expiration.check.enabled property for first launch
JDK-8039298   hotspot         C2: assert(base == NULL || t_adr->isa_rawptr() || !phase->type(base)->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) failed: NULL+offs not RAW address?
JDK-8039050   hotspot         Crash in C2 compiler at Node::rematerialize
JDK-8041351   hotspot         Crash in src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.cpp:3215 - assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance
JDK-8042247   hotspot         Make 7u60 the default jprt release for hs24.80
JDK-8042250   hotspot         Misleading command line output for ReservedCodeCacheSize validation
JDK-8023393   hotspot         Need to suppress info message if -Xcheck:jni used with libjsig.dylab on Mac OSX
JDK-8040664   hotspot         Revert temporary fix JDK-8038785
JDK-8031693   hotspot         Two nsk/hprof/options/cpu failed with Stack Overflow in JFR on Linux-amd64 in Promotion testing of JDK8 b123
JDK-8024677   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Move tests for classes in /testlibrary
JDK-7121403   hotspot         [TESTBUG] runtime/7051189/Xchecksig.sh fails on 64bit solaris
JDK-8037132   infrastructure  Embedded build files in jdk/src/closed/share/doc source bundles
JDK-8005581   infrastructure  Source bundle creation fails on linux
JDK-8013098   infrastructure  [macosx] localized aqua_xx.properties are not included in rt.jar
JDK-8038961   infrastructure  kinit,klist and ktab aren't built from jdk7u51 in licensee src bundles
JDK-8040067   install         AU Client Not Upgraded Because of Version Checking Flaw
JDK-8040790   tools           TEST_BUG: tools/javac/innerClassFile/Driver.sh fails to cleanup files after it
JDK-8011795   xml             DOM Serializer prints stack traces to System.err

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