Request for Approval: 8067364 Printing to Postscript doesn't support dieresis

dalibor topic dalibor.topic at
Tue Jan 20 17:01:12 UTC 2015

On 20.01.2015 17:35, Mario Torre wrote:
> I would still like to push into jdk7u-dev once the 7u80 repository has
> been forked, which should happen tomorrow (or around so) if I read your
> reply correctly, right?

You'd be right, except as I wrote back in December [0], we won’t create 
separate jdk7u80/jdk7u80(-dev) forests at RampDown 2.

The rationale for that is to enable a potential future Project Lead to 
start from a clean slate (7u80), rather than with a lot of pending 
changes in jdk7u-dev that they had no real say in, but would still be 
expected to deliver and care for.

dalibor topic


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