Backporting the TCP loopback fast path (Windows) improvement to OpenJDK v7

Martin Sawicki (MS OPEN TECH) marcins at
Sat Jan 31 16:22:40 UTC 2015

Thank you all for the help!

From: Seán Coffey [mailto:sean.coffey at]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 12:07 PM
To: Alan Bateman; Valery Kopylov (Akvelon); Martin Sawicki (MS OPEN TECH); jdk7u-dev at
Cc: OpenJDK Network Dev list; Kirk Shoop (MS OPEN TECH)
Subject: Re: Backporting the TCP loopback fast path (Windows) improvement to OpenJDK v7

Thanks all - Agreed changes pushed to 7u85 and I'll make a request to see if we can include this in 7u80 code base.

On 30/01/2015 16:00, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 30/01/2015 12:18, Seán Coffey wrote:

hadn't spotted the race issue. I guess we could delay setting ver_initialized until OSVERSIONINFO is populated.
Alternatively - like you say, I think we can revert back to the simpler edit :<>
I'll run with this version unless I hear objections.
I think this better so I'd suggest go with this version.


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